MRP: Sir Henry Oxenden will
Sir Henry Oxenden will
PROB 11/384 Lloyd 91-135 Will of Sir Henry Oxinden of Wingham, Kent 22 September 1686
Editorial history
04/12/11, CSG: Restructured page
[hide]Abstract & context
Sir Henry Oxenden was the elder brother of Sir George Oxenden. He lived at Deane in Wingham in East Kent. His widowed mother, Lady Margaret Oxenden, also lived at Deane.
Suggested links
See biographical profile of Sir Henry Oxenden
See Sir George Oxenden will
See Elizabeth Dalyson will
See Assorted letters of Sir Henry Oxenden of Deane (Various) (printed correspondence from Dorothy K. Gardiner, 1933, 1937)
See Deane (Oxenden house & estate in parish of Wingham, East Kent)
To do
In the name of God Amen The Three and twentyeth day of Aprill in the second yeare of the reigne of our sovereigne Lord James the second by the grace of God of England Scotland ffrance and Ireland King Defender of the ffaith yr. Anno Dom. One Thousand six hundred eighty six I Sir Henry Oxinden of Deane in the parish of Wingham in the County of Kent Knight and Baronett being of sound and perfect mind and memory praise be given to Allmighty God for the same and considering the uncertainty of this life and being desirous to settle all things in order before my death doe make and ordaine this my last Will and Testament in manner and forme following
IMPRIMIS I commend my soule into the hands of Allmighty God my creator assuredly beleiveing (sic) that I shall receive full pardon and remission of all my sinns and be saved by the sole merrits and satisfaction of my Lord and Saviour Christ Jesus And my body to the earth
to be buryed in such decent and christian manner as to my Executor here[XX]after named shall be thought meet and convenient Item I give unto the poore of the parish of [XXXXX[ in the said County of Kent the summe of Tenne pounds of lawfull money of England and unto the poore of the parishe of Wingham in the said County the like summe of Tenn pounds of lawfull money of England to be paid unto and distributed amongst the poore of the said respective parishes by my Executor herein after named within one month next after my decease
ITEM I give and bequeath unto my deare and most loveing wife Dame Elizabeth Oxinden all my plate and Jewells And alsoe I give unto my said wife Three hundred pounds of gold in her keeping called Guinneys and above all the old gold and broadpaires of gold in her keeping and alsoe all my linnen
ITEM I further give unto my said Wife the sume of twenty pounds of lawfull money of England to buy her mourning
ITEM I further give unto my said deare wife my Mohaire bedd in the hall chamber and the wrought bedd which was her owne with all the furniture thereunto belonging and the ffurniture (sic) in the withdrawinge room joyning to my Chamber with what bedds shee pleases to choose for her servants and alsoe the furniture in her closett and alsoe my turkey work chairs in the parlour and alsoe what pewter and brasse shee pleases to take of mine to furnish her a house Alsoe I give unto my said Wife my coach and charriott and four horses and all the arreares of rent which shall be due at my decease from all her lands in joynture
ITEM I further give and bequeath unto my said deare wife the sume of Two hundred pounds of lawfull money of England to be paid unto her within six months next after my decease Item I give and bequeath unto my sonne Sir James Oxinden knight and unto Dame Elizabeth his Wife the sume of Twenty pounds of lawfull money of England to buy them mourning
ITEM I further give unto my said sonne Sir James Oxinden all the reste and residue of my household stuffe and ffurniture for housekeeping not before by me given and bequeathed and all my live cattle and impliments of husbandry not before by me given and bequeathed except one browne Gelding and the redd damaske bedd chaires and ffurniture thereunto and the furniture in the chamber where I now lye which I doe give unto my sonne Richard Oxinden
ITEM I give and bequeath unto my sonne Henry Oxinden the sume of Tenne pounds of lawfull money of England to buy him mourning
ITEM I further give and bequeath unto my said sonne Henry Oxinden the sume of one hundred pounds to be paid unto him within six months next after my decease
ITEM I give and bequeath unto my sonne George Oxinden the sume of Tenne pounds of lawfull money of England to buy him mourning
ITEM I further give and bequeath unto my said sonne George Oxinden the sume of One Thousand pounds of lawfull money of England to be paid unto him within six months next after my decease with Interest for the same after the rate of ffive pounds per Centum from the time of my death
ITEM I give and bequeath unto my said sonne Richard Oxinden the sume of one thousand pounds of lawfull money of England to be paid unto him within six months after my decease with interest for the same after the rate of five pounds per Centum from the time of my death
ITEM I give and bequeath unto Mr William Perritt [??] and unto Jane my Daughter his Wife the sume of Twenty pounds of lawfull money of England to buy them mourning
ITEM I further give and bequeath to my said daughter Jane Pe[XXXX] wife of the said William P[XXXXXX] the sume of Three hundred pounds of lawfull money of England to be paid unto her within six months next after my decease And if my said daughter Jane Penritt [?] shall happen to dye before the time limitted and appointed for payment there of Then I doe hereby give and bequeath the said sume of Three hundred pounds unto and amongst her children equally to be divided between them
ITEM I give and bequeath unto Thomas Belk Doctor of Divinity and unto Anne my daughter his wife the sume of Twenty pounds of lawfull money of England to buy them mourning
ITEM I give and bequeath unto my daughter Mary Oxinden the sume of Tenne pounds of lawfull money of England to buy her mourning
ITEM I further give and bequeath to my said daughter Mary Oxinden the sume of six hundred pounds of lawfull money of England to be paid unto her within six months next after my decease with interest for the same after the rate of five pounds per centum from the time of of my death which I give her as an addition to one thousand pounds which my said sonne Sir James Oxinden is obliged by bond to pay her after my decease
ITEM I give and bequeath unto my loveing Sister Mrs Anne Master Widow and unto my loveing daughter Mrs Elizabeth W[xxx] widow to each of them the sume of Tenne pounds apeice of lawfull money of England to buy them mourning
ITEM I give and bequeath unto my worthy cozen Henry Oxinden of Brooke Esq and to my worthy cozen Richard Oxinden of [XXXXX] Esq. to each of them the sume of tenne pounds apeice of lawfull money of England to buy each of them a peice of plate in remembrance of me
ITEM I give and bequeath unto Edward Taylor late of Sandwich in the County of Kent and now of Deale in the said County the sume of one hundred pounds of lawfull money of England to be paid unto him within one yeare next after my decease and satisfaccon (??) of all promises and pretences of promise made to him by my honoured Mother the Lady Oxinden deceased
ITEM whereas I have foure hundred pounds in money in the Exchequer by assignment from Alderman Backwell and chargeable upon the hereditary Revenue of Excise My will and mind is that my said sonnes George Oxinden and Richard Oxinden shall equally have and receive the same And I doe hereby give and bequeath the said summe of foure hundred pounds unto my said sonnes George Oxinden and Richard Oxinden equally to be divided between them over and above the Legacies before given unto them in this my Will and my will is that they shall receive the interest thereof as itis now paid to their owne use without any lett [sic] or disturbance from my Executor whatsoever
ITEM I doe hereby make and ordaine my very loveing Brother in Law [Roger (TBC)] Merdith Esq. sole executor of this my last Will and Testament to whom I doe give and bequeath the summe of Tenne pounds of lawfull money of England [CSG, 03/05/09 - there is a "carrot" mark in the text and in the margin the following text "to buy him mourning and alsoe I give the summe of ffourty pounds of lawfull money of England "] for his care and trouble in and about the execcon (sic) of this my Will Item all the rest and residue of my goods chattels and personall estate whatsoever not otherwise by me disposed of my debts funerall expences and legacies being first paid and discharged I give and bequeath the same unto my said sonnes George Oxinden and Richard Oxinden equally to be divided betweene them
And my will and mind is that my said Executor does and shall within one month next after the payment of my debts funerall expences and legacies pas (sic) an account with my said sonnes George Oxinden and Richard Oxinden of what personall estate of mine shall then remaine in his hands and shall pay and devide the same into my said sonnes George Oxinden and Richard Oxinden equally between them And I doe hereby renounce revoke [xxx] trate and make void all former Wills by me formerly made and doe herby publish and declare this to be my last Will and Testament
In witnesse whereof to this my last Will and Testament in three sheets of paper contained I have to every of the said sheets sett my hand and seale the day and yeare first above written.
Signed sealed published and declared by the said Sr. Henry Oxinden to be his last Will and Testament in the presence of us whose names were hereunto subscribed in the presence of the Testator Edw. Grayford Step. Tucker [?] Elinor [?] Coventry John Lawrence[x]
PROBATUM fuit h[xxxx] Tstum apud London [xxx] venti [?] et agrogis vivo Richard [X]aines Legum Droit [?] Curia prarogativa Cautnariensis Magro Custode sine Comissariot[xxx] constituto [XXXX] secundo die mensis Septembris Anno Som. Millimo sex[xxxx] ortogeno [?] sexto Jurainen Rogeri Meredith ar. Executoris [xxxx] in [xxxx] Testamto nomniat. Cui comissa fuit adminstravo omnium et singulorum honorum jurium et creditorum d[xx] defun[xxx] de bene e fidele administrand [xxx] ad s[xxx] Dei Evangelica (vivore Commis) Jurrat. Ex[xxx] [CSG, 03/05/09 - I need to work on this latin - it is very incomplete and inaccurate]