MRP: Samuell Penoyer will

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PROB 11/240/592 Will of Samuell Penoyer, Merchant of London 12 May 1654

PROB 11/240 Alchin 357-409 Will of Samuell Penoyer, Merchant of London 12 May 1654

Editorial history

03/12/11, CSG: Created page & posted transcription to wiki

Abstract & context

Samuel Pennoyer was a Bristol born London merchant and brother of the similarly Bristol born William Pennoyer, who was also a London merchant.

Samuel and William Pennoyer traded together on the Guinea coast in the 16XXs.

Samuel precedeased his brother, dying ca. 1654, whereas his brother lived until ca. 1671.[1] Samuel Pennoyer's wife, Rose, later married XXX Disborough.[2]

Suggested links

See William Pennoyer will (brother of Samuell Penoyer)
See Martha Pennoyer will (wife of William Pennoyer)

To do

(1) Check the transcription


IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN the nine and Twentieth Day of June In the year if our Lord God One Thousand six hundred fifty and Two I Samuell Penoyer of London Marchant being in good health of Body and of sound and perfect Minde and memory (praised be God therefore) yet calling to minde the uncertainty of this Transitory life and how certaine we are to die Doe make and declare this my last Will and Testament in manner and forme following

That is to say ffirst I bequeath my Soule to Almighty God my heavenly ffather hopeing and stedfastly beleeving through the merritts of my onely Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ to have full and free remission of all my Sinns and to inheritt eternall life with those who are sanctifyed by the holy Spiritt of Grace And my body I committ to the Earth

And as touching such worldly goods and estate as the Lord hath made me Steward of in this life I give and bequeath and dispose of the same as followeth

That is to say ffirst I give and bequeath To my Brother William Penoyer and to his Wife Martha[3] the summe of Tenne pounds a peece to buie them mourning

ITEM I give and bequeath the summe of Twenty pounds to poore godly ffamilies which shall be in wante to be disposed of by and att the disposition of my said Sister Martha Penoyer

ITEM I give and bequeath unto the Children of John Butler and Anne (?) Butler


Dwelling in Herefordshire the summe of Twenty pounds to be paide to my Brother William Penoyer for the use of the said Children and by him equally to be disbursed amongst them

ITEM I give and bequeath to Master Brookes the Minister the summe of six poundes and to Master ffraiser the Minister the sume of five poundes to bye the mourning

The rest and residue of all and singular my goods chattells and personall estate whatsoever not herein by me given and bequeathed my debts and funerall charges paid and discharged I give and bequeath to my Loveing wife Rose Penoyer whome I make and ordaine full and sole Executrix of this my last Will and Testament and Overseers of the same I nominate and appointe my loveing ffreinds Master Richard Hill Master William Hobson Esquire and Master William Penoyer Esquire and I give and bequeath them the summe of tenne poundes a peece intreating them to be ayding and assisting to my said Executrix with theire best advise in the performance of this my last Will and Testament

And as touching my Lands Tenements and hereditaments as God hath bestowed upon me in this life I give bequeath and dispose of the same as followeth

That is to say I give and bequeath unto my said Wife Rose[4] for and during her naturall life All that my Mannor of Charfeild with the Rights Members and Appurtenances thereof in the County of Hereford And all my Lands Tenements and hereditaments as are to me belonging or shall be alotted to me for or by reason of my said Adventures for Lands In Ireland and after her decease I give and bequeath the same Mannor Lands and Premisses with there Appurtenances unto Thomas Adams Esquire Thomas Cullam Esquire and Alderman of London Christopher Park Esquire Andrew Richards Esquire and Alderman of London Robert Lowther and Samuell Vassall Esquires John Rogers Robert Winch John Taylor and James Russell members of the Company of Drapers in the Cittye of London and to theire heires forever upon the trusts and confidences and to this intent and purpose That the said Trustees theire heires and assignes shall pay and dispose of the first three yeares rents and proffitts to be made and arise of or by the said Mannor Landes and Premisses after the decease of my said Wife to such uses and in such manner and forme as my said Wife by her last Will or by any other writing under her hand and Seale shall direct and appointe

And upon this further trust and Confidence and to this intent and purpose That if after the first three yeares next after my said Wifes decease my Brother William Pennoyer and Martha his Wife or the Survivors of them shall happen to be in want and poverty and shall make such his her or there want and poverty knowne to the said Company att any Court of Assistants That then the said Trustees therie heires and assignes shall after the said ffirst three yeares rents and profitts payd and disposed of as aforesaid pay or cause to be paide unto my saide Brother William Pennoyer during the naturall lives of him and his Wife Martha the summe of One hundred pounds of Lawfull money of England per Annum out of the Rents yssues and profitts of the premises who shall also pay to the Survivours of them the same William & Martha from and after the decease of such of them as shall first dye the summe of fifty pounds of like money per annum during the naturall life of such Survivours and upon the further trust and Confidence and to this Intent and purpose that they the saide Trustees theire heires


And assignes shall for ever dispose of all the rest and residue of the rents issues and profitts of the said Mannor Lands and Premises in manner and forme followinge That is to say my Will intent and meaneing is That if any of my Collatterall Cousins on my fathers side or Mothers side (not exceeding the second degree from any of the Brethren or sisters of my ffather or Mother) shall stand in need of money to place them forth Apprentices and shall make theire wants knowne to the saide Company att any Court of Assistants as aforesaid That then the saide Trustees theire heires and assignes shall out of the Rents issues and profitts of the Premises pay or disburse the summe of fiftye poundes for the putting forth Apprentice of every such Collaterall Cousin and shall also pay to every such cousin which shall be so putt forth the summe of one hundred pounds for once as a stock if he or she shall live till the expiration of his or her apprenticeshipp and shall be of honest life and Conversation and my further Will intent and meaning is That all the rest and residue of the rents recoveries and profitts of my said Mannor Lands and Premises shall be yearely payd out and disposed of by the said Trustees theire heires and assignes to and for the putting forth ffatherlesse children of the age of ffourteene yeares or upwards of knowne godly English Parents whether they be male or ffemale who shall stande in neede for the putting forth of each of which Children (to be approved of by the said Company att the Court of Assistants I will that fifty pounds be disbursed and paid for the bindeing and placeing them to Godly men and honest trades as aforesaid Provided Alwaies and my will and meaneing is That in the putting forth of the said Apprentices my Collaterall Cousins within the degree aforesaid, who shall make such theire relation appeare to the said Company aforesaid shall be preferred to before strangers provided also and my Will and meaning is That my said Wife and the said Trustees theire heires and Assignes respectively or some of them shall pay or cause to be payd to Richard Butler Student in the University of Cambridge out of the rents issues and profitts of my said Lands in Acton to be by them respectively ?received one annuitie or yearely sume of six pounds per Annum for and during the Spanne of tenne yeares next after my decease and further that my said Wife during her naturall life and the said trustees theire heires and Assignes for ever after her decease shall yearely pay out of the Rents issues and profitts of the said Mannor Lands and Premises one other annuitie or yearely payment of twelve pounds of lawfull money of England per Annum for and to the maintenance of a Lecture to be yearely preached on Thursday or ffryday for ever in the meeting place or Church Called Saint Stevens within the Cittye of Bristoll by one of the ablest and most Godly Ministers of the Gospell liveing in or about the same Cittye to be from time to time nominated or appointed by the same Company att a Court of Assistants as aforesaide which saide two severall annuities I will shall be paide before any other monies by me herein before appointed to be paid out of the rents and profitts of the Premises And I doe hereby further Will and appointe That the saide Trustees theire heires and assignes (in respect of the trouble and care to be had and taken in the receiveing and paying forth of the Rents and profitts of the Premises to andfor the uses and purposes in this my Will expressed shall after the decease of my saide Wife have and retayne the yearely annuity or summe of Twenty poundes per annum for ever to be devided amongst such officers of & in the saide Company as shall be thought fitt by the Master Wardens and Assistants of the saide Company for the time being Provided also and my Will intent and meaning is That if my saide Wife shall before or after my decease bring forth a sonne by me begotten Then I give and bequeath unto such sonne and his heires for ever from and after he shall attaine to the age of one and twenty yeares one full moyety or half parte of all my said Mannor Lands and Premises


as well in England as in Ireland and then and in such Case if my saide Wife shall dye before my said sonne shall attaine to the age of one and twenty yeares Then I will That the said Trustees theire heires and Assignes shall yearely pay into or for the education and maintenance of my said sonne the one full moyety or halfe parte of all the Rents issues and profitts of the said Mannor Landes and Premises which shalbe by them received before or untill my said Sonne shall attaine to the said age of one and twenty yeares but if my said Wife shall before or after my decease bring forth a Daughter by me begotten Then I give and bequeath unto such Daughter and to her heires for ever from and after she shall attaine the age of seaventeene yeares one moiety or halfe parte of my said Manno:r of Charfeild with the Right Members and Appurtenances thereof And also all that Advowson or Right of Parsonage of the Parsonage of Charfeild aforesaid and then and in such case if my said Wife shall dye before my saide Daughter shall attaine to the age of seaventeene yeares Then I will that the said Trustees theire heires and assignes shall yearely pay unto and for the maintenance of my said daughter one full moiety of halfe parte of all the rents issues and profitts of the said Mannor which shall bee by them received before or untill my said Daughter shall attaine to her said age of seaventeene yeares

In Witnesse whereof I the said Samuell Penoyer (sic) To this my last Will and Testament contained in eight sheetes of Paper have sett my seale and to every sheete thereof subscribed my name The day and yeare forst above written

Samuell Penoyer

Signed sealed published and delivered by the said Samuell Penoyer for and as his last Will and Testament in the presence of John Rolph Tho: Heath one thousand six hundred fifty two Edmond Rolph

MEMORANDUM That the word Charitable in the twelth Line of the Third page of this Will was expunged by the Testator upon mature Consideration And then it was pronounced to be his Will and last Testament (videlicet) eigth Aprill One Thousand six hundred fifty fower in presence of Eliz: Palmer Will: Rigsbie

THE WILL was proved att WESTMINSTER The Twelfth day of May in the yeare of our Lord God One thousand six hundred fifty and fower before the Judges for probate of Wills and granting Administrations lawfully authorized by the oath of Rose Penoyer teh Relict and sole Executrix named in the above written Will To whome the administration of all and singular the goods chattells and debt of the said deceased was committed she being first legally sworne truly and faythfully to administer the same


Possible primary sources


C 2/ChasI/A13/69 Short title: Andrews v Pennoyer. Plaintiff: Andrews. Defendant: Pennoyer and others. Document type: [Bill and answer or answers]. Between 1625 and 1660

C 3/456/96 Short title: Pennoyer v Goff. Plaintiffs: William Pennoyer. Defendants: Lawrence Goff and others. Subject: money matters in Middlesex. Document type: [pleadings]. 1642-1660

C 6/8/78 Short title: Glover v Pennoyer. Plaintiffs: Rebecca Glover and others. Defendants: William Pennoyer. Subject: money matters.Document type: answer only. sfp 1646
C 6/150Pt2/75 Short title: Pennoyer v White. Plaintiffs: William Pennoyer. Defendants: Elizabeth White. Subject: manor of Acton, Middlesex. Document type: bill, answer. 1650

C 9/6/131 Lawrence v. Penoyer 1651

C 10/3/118 William Penoyer v Laurence Brinley and [...] Bull: money matters, Middx 1649
C 10/35/57 Conway v. Ayleworth, Pennoyer, Pennoyer, Borneford, Somersley & Cranmer: warw. 1655
C 10/74/1 Roger Andrewes, John Connis, William Pennoyer, Francis Dashwood and Edward Crispe v Frederick Skinner: money matters, Middx 1664

  • ORDERED 12/08/11 13.57 Viewed briefly

PROB 4/18483 Inventory of Martha Pennoyer, 1674, f. ?1 (scroll)

PROB 11/240 Alchin 357-409 Will of Samuell Penoyer, Merchant of London 12 May 1654
PROB 11/335 Duke 1 - 53 Will of William Pennoyer of London 13 February 1671
PROB 11/344 Bunce 1-53 Will of Martha Pennoyer, Widow of London 29 July 1674
PROB 11/346 Bunce 104-150 Sentence of Martha Pennoyer, Widow of Saint Mary Whitechapel, Middlesex 23 July 1674
PROB 11/450 Pott 45–85 Will of Rose Disbrowe, Widow of Elsworth, Cambridgeshire 21 April 1699

- Possible widow of Samuell Pennoyer
  1. Jump up PROB 11/335 Duke 1 - 53 Will of William Pennoyer of London 13 February 1671. See William Pennoyer will
  2. Jump up PROB 11/450 Pott 45–85 Will of Rose Disbrowe, Widow of Elsworth, Cambridgeshire 21 April 1699
  3. Jump up PROB 11/344 Bunce 1-53 Will of Martha Pennoyer, Widow of London 29 July 1674; PROB 4/18483 Inventory of Martha Pennoyer, 1674, f. ?1 (scroll)
  4. Jump up Rose Pennoyer went on to marry XXX Disbrowe of Elsworth, Cambridgeshire. See PROB 11/450 Pott 45–85 Will of Rose Disbrowe, Widow of Elsworth, Cambridgeshire 21 April 1699