MRP: Roger Abdy junior will
Roger Abdy junior will
PROB 11/190 Cambell 86-131 Will of Roger Abdy, Merchant of London 03 September 1642
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Roger Abdy was the youngest brother of Sir Thomas Abdy and Robert Abdy. His other brothers were John Abdy and Nicholas Abdy.
Suggested links
See Roger Abdy senior will (grandfather of Sir Robert Abdy, Nicholas Abdy, & Roger Abdy)
See Anthony Abdy will (father of Sir Robert Abdy, Nicholas Abdy, & Roger Abdy)
See Sir Robert Abdy will (brother of Roger Abdy & Nicholas Abdy)
See Nicholas Abdye will (brother of Sir Robert Abdy & Roger Abdy)
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IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN The fifth day of October Anno domini one thousand sixe hundred fourty one And in y:e seaventeenth yeare of the reigne of our Sovereigne Lord Charles by the grace if God King of England Scotland ffrance and Ireland defendee of the faith xre I Roger Abdy of London marchant being (praised bee God in health of body and of good & perfect mind and memory but calling to mind the uncertainty of this p:rsent life and the certainty of death and the uncertainty of the tyme thereof doe nowe therefore (And the rather for that I am purposed shortly by Gods premission to travaille into foreign parts beyond the seas make and declare this my last will and testament in manner and forme as followeing (that is to say) first and before all earthly things I commend my soule into the hands of Allmighty God my creator and my body to the earth untill the generall resurrection hopeing and stedfastly believing by and and through the onely merritts death and passion of Jesus Christ my onely Saviour and redeemer and by none other meanes to have free remission of all my Sinnes and to enjoy Eternall life And if itt happen I die in England I will that my body bee buried in the afternoon with a moderate expence in the parish of Saint Andrews Undershaft London by the Sepulcture or grave there of my late father att his feet or as neere to the same as conveniently may bee And that in or under the monument to be raised there for my said father there bee some monument madde in remembrance of mee the which together or with my funerall and the charges and expences thereof in mourning & otherwise (in case I die in England I leave to the discrecon of my executors to doe therein as they shall thinke so fitting But if I die beyond the Seas then I will that they my executors doe (instead of a funerall onely bestowe such blacks for mourneing amongst my kindred and freinds as they my said executors shall thinke meete And as toucheing all and singular such goods chattells and personall estate as itt hath pleased God to blesse mee withall and whereof I shall bee possessed att the tyme of my decease bequeath to the parsons and churchwardens of the severall parishes of Saint Andrews Undershaft and S:t Dionis Backchurch in London S:t George the Martir in the burrough of Southwarke in the county of Surrey S:t Giles without Cripplegate Saint Leonards in Shoreditch and S:t Mary Matsellon als Whitechappell in the county of Middx to and for the use of the poore of these severall parishes in all the summes of one hundred and twenty pounds of Lawfull money of England that is to say to the parson and churchwardens of every of the said severall parishes to the use of the poore of the same respectively the sume of twenty pounds which I will shall bee by the parson churchwardens and overseers for the poore of every of the said parishes respectively given and distributed to and amongst their severall poore as they in their good discretons shall thinke fittinge
ITEM I give and bequeath to the president and governours of Christs Hospitall in London towards the releife of the poore children harboured in the said hospitall the sume of threescore pounds I give to the president and governours of S:t Bartholomews Hospitall in Southwarke towards the releife of the poore in that hospitall the sume of fifty pounds
ITEM I give to the president and governours of S:t Thomas Hospitall in Southwarke towards the releife of the poore in that hospitall the somme of forty pounds
ITEM I doe hereby give and appoint the somme of one hundred pounds to bee given and paid by my executors for the enlargeing and setting att liberty of twenty poore prisoners out of the prisons of the King being Ludgate Newgate and of the two Compters in London such as my said executors shall in theirdiscretions thinke fitt and XXXX doe best deserve to be released And such whose debt and charges may bee satisfied and every of them sett att liberty for the summe of five pounds a peece or under And if any of them shall bee released under five pounds that then every of them that shall bee soe released and sett att liberty under five pounds shall have given him the residue of the said five pounds that shall be left and not disbursed for his enlargement
ITEM I give and appointe the like sumes of one hundred pounds to be distributed and disposed by my executors to and amongst twenty poore decaied ministers such as as they my said executors shall thinke fitting to receive the same (that is to say) to every of those said poore ministers five pounds a peece
ITEM I give and appointe the summe of fifty pounds
To be disbursed and distributed by my executors to and amongst tenne poor ministers widdowes such as they my said executors shall thinke fitt to bestowe the same uppon (that is to say) to each of the said poore widdowes five pounds apeece
ITEM I give and appoint the somme of one hundred and twenty pounds to bee xxxxx and disposed by my executors as they in their good discretions shall thinke fitting of for or towards the conferming and redeeming of sixe poore English protestant captives out of the bondage and slavery of the turks
ITEM I give and appoint the somme of one hundred pounds to be disposed and bestowed by my Executors upon tenne poore boyes the children of ffreemen of London such as they my executors shall thinke fitt for the clothing and putting them forth apprentices to some handcraftes trades in London or the liberties thereof according to the good discrecons of them my said executors.
ITEM I give and appoint the somme of one hundred and twenty pounds more to bee disposed and bestowed by my executors uppon twenty more poor boyes and girles to bee taken upp out of the streets of London as vagrants for the cloathing and transporting them either for Virginia New England or any other of the Western plantacons there to bee placed
ITEM I give to the master wardens and Comonalty of the company of clothworkers of London the somme of forty pounds which I will shall bee disposed and distributed by the said m:tr and wardens to and amongst such twenty poore decayed men of the said company and such twenty poore widdowes whose husband had been members of that company as by the said m:tr and wardens and the assistants of the said company or the more parte of them shall orddered and appointed to receive the same that is to say to every of the said poore men and women twenty shillings a peece
ITEM I give and appoint the summe of One hundred pounds to be disposed and given by my executors to sixty poore ould men and forty poore old women for poor gownes (that is to say) to every of the same poore men and women twenty shillings a peece to buy every of them a gowne in which I will that they attend as poore mourners att my funerall if I die in England, but whether I die in England or elsewhere I wissh (?) that the some of one hundred pounds bee given amongst sixty poore old men and forty poore old women for gownes as aforesaid All such Legacies be fore mentoned I will shall bee paid and disposed to and for such unto as are herein before specified w:thin Six-monthes after my decease as soe soone afterwards as conveniently may bee
ITEM I give to every of my foure Brothers, namely S:r Thomas Abdy, M:r Robert Abdy, M:r John Abdy and M:r Nicholas Abdy the some of Two Thousand pounds apeece And if it happen that any of them the said S:r Thomas Abdy, M:r Robert Abdy, M:r John Abdy and M:r Nicholas Abdy, doe depart this life before the decease of me the said Roger Abdy, Then I will that the Legacie or Legacies before herein by mee given and intended to each of them my Brothers that shall soe depart this life before my decease shall goe and be devided to and amongst the rest of them that shall out live and survive mee
ITEM I give to my Brother in law M:r John Bramston and M:s Alice Bramston his wife my Sister the some of ffive hundred pounds w:ch I will shalbe paidunto them or either of them at the end of one halfe yeare next after my decease, And if it happen that the said John Bramston and his wife doe both depart this life before the said legacie of ffive hundred pounds is before limitted to be paid. Then I will that the said Legacie Then I will that the said ffive hundred pounds shall goe and be devided to and amongst such of the sonnes of the said M:r John Bramston and Allice his wife as shall live to accomplish their severall ages of Twenty and one yeares, and such of the daughters of the said John Bramston and Alice his wife as shall live to accomplish their severall ages of Twenty and one yeares or be married w:ch of the same shall first be or happen equally part and part like, And that the said Children of the said John Bramston and Allice his wife shalbe paid their severall parts and porcons of the said ffive hundred pounds at the said times accordingly that is to say the Sonnes at such times as they shall respectively accomplish their severall ages of Twenty and one yeare, and the daughters at such times as they shall respectively accomplish their severall ages of Twenty and one yeares or be marryed w:ch
of the same shall first come be or happen
ITEM I give and bequeath to my foure owne Brethren before named and to my sister Dame Marie Abdy the wife of my brother Sir Thomas Abdy and to my said Brother Bramston and my Sister his wife to every of them the some of Ten pounds a peece for a mourninge Ringe to weare in remembrance of mee their Brother;
ITEM I give to my neece Rachell Abdy the daughter of the said Sir Thomas Abdy the some of Twentie pounds
ITEM I give to my Nephews and Neeces Anthony and Abigall Bramston two of y:e Children of my said Brother and Sister Bramston the like some of Twenty pounds apeece, And to my two Neeces Marie and Bridgett Bramston the two other Children of my said Brother and Sister Bramston the some of Tenn pounds apeece w:ch severall Legacies before herein by mee given to the Children before named, I will shalbe paid and delivered to their severall parents respectively for their severall and respective ages of them the said Children accordinge to y:t intent of this my Will at th’end of one yeare after my decease, And the acquittances of the said parents to be to my Executors sufficient discharges in this behalfe, ITEM I give to Rachell Corsellis the some of Tenn pounds for a mourninge Ringe,
ITEM I give to my Cosens M:r William Meggs and M:r James Meggs to either of them for a Remembrance the some of ffive pounds a peece,
ITEM I give to my kinswoman M:rs Mary Reeve the some of ffiftie pounds
ITEM I give to my Cosen M:r Humphry Abdy the some of One hundred pounds
ITEM I give to my Cosen Anthony Damill (??) the some of ffiftie pounds w:ch I will shalbe paid unto him at such time as he shall accomplish his full age of Twentie and one yeares And I give to the rest of his Brothers namely Henry Damell Walter Damell and Humphrie Damell the some of Tenn pounds a peece w:ch I will shalbe likewise paid to each of them respectively at such times as they shall accomplishe their severall ages of Twentie and one yeares, And I give to Abigall Damell and Elizabeth Damell the Sisters of the said Anthony Damell the like some of Tenn pounds apeece w:ch I will shalbe paid unto either of them respectively at such times as they shall severally accomplishe their severall ages of Twentie and one yeares or be married of the same shall first come be or happen,
ITEM I give to Millicent Shawe the sonne of Tenn pounds
ITEM I give to Doctor Guldworth (?) and Doctor Westfeild the some of Tenn pounds apeece, it beinge my desire that the one of them shall be intreated to preach at my funerall if I die in England
ITEM I give to my loveinge freinde M:r Roger Vivian and M:r Richard Millward the some of Twentie pounds apeece
ITEM I give to M:r Adam Bowen the some of Tenn pounds
The rest and residue of all andsingular my goods Chattells Creditts and Debts (after the debts by mee owinge shalbe paid) my funeralls discharged and the Legacies in this Will pformed) I wholly give and bequeath the same to my eldest Bretheren the before named Sir Thomas Abdy and Robert Abdy equally to be devided betwixt them part and part like, And I doe ordaine appointe and make them the said Sir Thomas Abdy and Robert Abdy Executors of this my last Will and Testament desiringe them accordinge to the trust and confidence I repose in their care and integrities) faithfully to pforme and execute the same accordinge to my true meaninge herein declared, And I hereby declare my Will & minde to be that if it happen that any person or persons to whome I have by this my Will given or intended any Legacie or Legacies for payment whereof noe time is in this Will limitted or sett downe doe depart this life before my decease, Tis (?) that any person or presons to whome I have by this my Will given or intended any Legacie or Legacies for payment whereof some time is limited or sett downe in this my Will for payment of the same That theny.e Legacie guift and bequest by me given or made to all and every such pson or psons
Soe dyinge respectively Exceptinge only the Legacies before herein by mee given to charitable uses and the Legacies ofTwo Thousand pounds apeece by me given to my foure Brethren and the Legacie of ffive hundred pounds by me given to my Brother in Lawe and my Sister his wife, All w:ch I will shall goe and be paid as before in this my Will is respectively limitted, shalbe void and not paid, but that all and every such Legacie and Legacies (except before excepted) shall goe wholely to my Executors and be devided equally betweene them, And whereas my late deceased father Anthony Abdy late of London Alderman did by his Will in writinge (amongst other things) decise all that his Messuage or Tenem:t, th’appurtenance, then and now used for a Tavern comonly called or knowne by the name or signe of the Antwerpee scituate and beinge near the Royal Exchange in London to me the said Roger Abdy, and the Heires Males of my body lawfully to be begotten, And for default of such issue to the right heires of him the said Anthony Abdy for ever As by the said Will appeareth, I doe now hereby declare that I well approve and like of the devise made by my ffather of the said Messuage or Tenem:t w:th Appurtenance as aforesaid and doe leave the same to goe as by my said ffathers Will it is devised and limitted,
IN WITNES whereof I the said Roger Abdy to this my last Will and Testament beinge written in Eleaven sheetes of paper have sett my Seale and to every sheete have sett my hand and XXXXX the day and yeare ffirst above written
Roger Abdy
Sealed declared and published by the above named Roger Abdy on the ffirst day of October 1641, for and as his last Will and Testament (theis worde (apeece) betweene y:e ffirst and second lines of the Eigth sheete beinge first interlined) in prsnce of us p Roger Paigan William Love And John Morrice Scr.
PROBATUM fuit Testamentum suprascriptum apud London Coram Willmo Clerke legum doctore Surrogato xxxx xx Willmo Merricke legum Doctoris Curiae Praerogative XXXX magoj custodial sive Dorrison legitime constitute Tertio die mensis Septembris Anno Uno Millimo sexceno quadragesimo secundo Juramentis Sir Thoma Abdy, Militis et Robert Abdy frati dxxxx defuncti et Executor in hxxx Testo nominate Quibus Comissa fuit administrato omine et singular bonobus et creditorad dxxx Defuncti de bene et fidele administrand eadem ad xxx dei Evangelia in debita avid forma XXXX Exr.