MRP: Nathaniel Cambridge senior will

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Nathaniel Cambridge senior will

PROB 11/329 Coke 1-56 Will of Nathaniell Cambridge of Woodchester, Gloucestershire 25 February 1669

Editorial history

30/11/11, CSG: Created page and posted transcription to wiki

Abstract & context

See Nathaniel Cambridge junior will


Transcription needs to be completed. Several marginal sentences not yet transcribed, plus some text obscured in digital image due to repairs in original. Try looking at physical document at TNA


THE LAST WILL and Testament of mee Nathaniell Cambridge of the prshe of Woodchester in the Countie of Gloucester haveing the use of


my understandnige and memory blessed bee God doth settle my Estate in manner & forme as followeth,

FIRST I committ my Soule into the hands of Almighty God my Creator And Jesus Christ my mercifull Redeemer, and the sweete spiritt my ?Sanctifier And my Body to the dust from whence it was taken in hope and assurance of a glorious Resurrection to life and salvation through the Lord Jesus Christ at the Last Day,

And for my Worldly goods that God hath intrusted mee withall I dispose of as followeth

IMPRIMIS I give to my oldest Sonne Richard Cambridge besides what I have passed to him by deed my Estate Land lyeing in both the fyelds called ?Maysworthie fyelds with the house and Garden where Thomas Cowlinge now dwelleth and the houses ?yardmen:t, and Grove of Wood lyeing above ?Sankloe in the pishe of hampton only reserveing to my beloved wife that now is sufficient the Woods & Trees for her ffireing whilst shee continueth Liveing at ?Rashill out of the said ?Ground  ??As alsoe I give to my sonne Richard A Mead in the parish of Minchin Hampton called Matxxxt Mead lyeing by the Rver xading to Woodchester only reserveing the new Watercorse and the Rent of three shillings 4:d yearly to bee payd by the Owners of the Lower Myll to my Sonne Beniamin, And if my Sonne Richard shall contend with his ?Bretheren for that which I give them then shall hee forefeite the said Mead to his Brother Beniamin and the earable Land before menconed

ITEM I give to my Sonne Nathaniell Cambridge my house at XXXXX with the grounds thereunto belonging after the decease of my Wife that now is and what is not passed over to shee in Jointure to have presently in hand with all the houses Timber Trees Woods Underwoods and all RiverXXX belonging to Jack Nicholls or any part of the p:rmisses and apperteyneing

ITEM I give unto my Sonne Samuell besides what is passed to him by Deed the house and Garden where Thomas Stafford now dwelleth and my house and ground at ??Narott in the parish of Horsley Togeather with the ?barren (OR, ?warren) and stabell Orchard and gardens thereunto belonging within one yeare after my decease

ITEM I give unto my Sonne Beniamine my house and Mills called Phillipotts Mills in the parish of Minchin Hampton, with a ground called XXXXck close, and another called the Milkeing Close with a ?Laggis and orchard adioyning to the Milkpound as now it runneth, Togeather with all Woods Underwoods Timber trees ?watten watercorses Bankes and ?Stankis belonging to the said Mills with ?ffludgates or ?shutes and XXXX to mend and repaire any of the appurtenances to the Mills belonging when and as often as needs shall require And hee is to allow his Brother Richard the dye house standing by the Mill and the Sprint of Water to fill the ??ffurnes soe oft as hee needeth to have and to hold the said Mills and grounds to him and his heires forever yealding and paying to my Brother in law M:r Mathew ?Tindall Woollen Xap in London or to his assignes the summe of fourteene pounds p yeare during his life and alsoe to pay One hundred pounds to my Executor whome I shall appoint and hee is to allow his Brothers Libertie for their Races st ?stand which they have sett upp the rest are his Alsoe I give to Beniamin the Rent of 3:s 4:d due from the lower Mill for the Watercourse lately cutt through XXXXX mead to bee paid XXX

ITEM I give to my beloved wife fforty pounds besides her Jointure to bee paid XXXXXX And a Bedd furnished for her Lodgings and XXXX of householdstuffe XXXXXXXXXXXXXX I give to my daughter Sarah Two hundred pounds with that money XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX her Uncle M:r Mathew Tindall XXXXXX and shee to take Advice of him XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX and his XXXXX alsoe I give her a Bedd furnished

ITEM I give unto my XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Mary and Debora the Wood called the Colliers Wood with all that appurtenances XXXX them and their assignes further deducting the mony mannaged by Mathew XXXXXXX goring the Rent of Two shillings p year referred to the cheife Lord and to give XXXXXXX Richard the ?profit of it if minded to sell it and to take advice of their Brothers XXXX disposing themselves and it And if either of my daughters dy before they come to the age of twenty two XXXXXXXXXXX dispose of in marriage Then the person to XXXXXXXXXX distributed equally between the remaining ??Sylive if it yield about 400:li to divide



The overplus among them

ITEM I give to my Sister Hannah XXix, and all my Brothers in Law and Systers in Law to each of them Tenn shillings for a Remembrance

ITEM I gie to Nath Burrowes Three pounds and to my house hold servants 10:s to each

ITEM I give to the poore of Woodchester Three pounds

ITEM I give to the poore of Hosley ffower pounds

ITEM I give to the poore of Minchin Hampton Three pounds

ITEM I give to the poore of ??Avening Three pounds

ITEM I give to all my grandchildren five pounds to each of them And for all the rest of my goods and chattells moveable and unmoveable not being already given I give unto my sonne Nathaniell Cambridge whome I appoint my whole and sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament and doe intrust my Brother in Law M:r Abraham Kingscott and my Brother in Law John XXix to bee my Overseers and my Executors to XXXX them

Witness my hand and seale the day and yeare first above written

Nathaniel Cambridge, XXXX YXXXX, James ??Bernefield XXXX not for yyy are ?Brethren See that yXX will not out by the way Live in Love and peace with hollines and the God of ?Peace shall be with you




"[August 1. 1666] Haveing with others hired a waggon, about foure aclock, wee went from Lubeck; and, feeding the horses about midnight at halfe way, wee arrived at Hamborg about midday. I tooke up my lodging in the Stone street, at the signe of the Towne Revall, where I had choice company of cavaliers, only a little more ranting as was fitting for my humour. I sent immediately for Mr. Nathaniell Cambridge, to whom I had letters of recommendation; with whom, being come, I consulted about my jorney further. By sea was exceedingly dangerous and uncertaine, and by land tedious and expensive, neither without hazard. He promised to ask advice of other ffreinds, and gave me his and their opinions, proffering me withall the kindness in his power."[1]

Mathew Tindall

"THROCKMORTON TROTMAN of London, merchant. Will 13 October 1663; proved 24 October 1663...To Mathew Tindall of London, trader in cloth £10....To Richard Trotman of Cam, blothier, the grandchild of Edward Trotman of the Steps at Cam, £20.... Hyde, 29" [2]

Possibly matched to PROB 11/352 Will of Mathew Tyndale, Draper of London 02 December 1676 Bence 109-158

Tindayll/Tyndall clothier family

"3. William Tyndale of Southend in Stinchcombe clothier: was baptized at Stinchcombe 8 March 1588-9, and buried there 25 February 1663-4. He was his father's Residuary Legatee.[3]

"'Thomas Tyndale of Stinchcombe, clothier,' was proved in the P.C. of Canterbury by all the Ex'ors 12 September 1637. He therein appoints as Ex'ors and Guardians of his only son, John Trotman of Stinchcombe, gentleman, 'my brothers Richard and William Tyndale, and my brother-in-law..."[4]

Possible primary sources


PROB 4/2995 Tindall Nathaniel of Stinchcombe, Glos. [clothier] 1682 29 Dec. (1681)

PROB 11/147 Clarke 103-147 Will of Arthur Tyndale, Mercer and Merchant Adventure of London 25 November 1625
PROB 11/160 St. John 69-138 Will of Nathaniell Tyndale, Mercer and Merchant Adventurer of London 10 December 1631
PROB 11/175 Goare 119-168 Will of Thomas Tyndale or Tindall, Clothier of Stinchcombe, Gloucestershire 12 September 1637
PROB 11/342 Pye 53-118 Will of Thomas Tindale or Tindall of Stinchcombe, Gloucestershire 15 August 1673
PROB 11/343 Pye 119-167 Will of Samuell Tyndale, Merchant Adventurer of London 13 October 1673
PROB 11/352 Will of Mathew Tyndale, Draper of London 02 December 1676 Bence 109-158

PROB 11/371 Cottle 111-163 Will of Nathaniell Tindall, Gentleman of Stinchcombe, Gloucestershire 29 December 1682
  1. Jump up XXX, Passages from the diary of General Patrick Gordon of Auchleuchries: A.D. 1635-A.D. 1699, vol. 30 (?Aberdeen, 1859), p. 60t
  2. Jump up Lothrop Withington, Virginia gleanings in England: abstracts of 17th and 18th-century English wills and administrations relating to Virginia and Virginians : a consolidation of articles from The Virginia magazine of history and biography (XXXX, 1980 (reprint)), p. 58
  3. Jump up The Genealogist, vol. 2 (?London, 1878), p. 361
  4. Jump up The Genealogist, vol. 2 (?London, 1878), p. 369