MRP: Moyses Goodyeare will
Moyses Goodyeare will
PROB 11/265 Ruthen 298-259 Will of Moyser Goodyeare, Merchant of London 09 June 1657
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22/12/11, CSG: Created page & posted transcription to wiki
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IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN The Twentie Eight day of June In the Yeare of our Lord One Thousand Six hundred ffiftie and one I Moyses Goodyeare of London Merchant being in good health and perfect remembrance (praised be God therefore) And considering with my selfe the frailtie of mans life and being desired to settle the Estate which God in mercie hath lent me in such manner that it may be disposed of after my decease according to my owne desire without ane suite or contention in Lawe doe therfore make and ordaine this my last Will and testament in manner following (That is to say)
FFIRST and principally I commend my soule into the most mercifull hands of Almighty God my Creatour assuredly trusting and by a ??timelie ffaith beleeving beleeving (sic) to be saved by and through the pretious d eath merritts and blood shedding of Jesus Christ my blessed and alone Saviour and Redeemer And my bodie I committ unto the Earth from whence it came to be decently buried att the discretion of my Executors hereafter named And as touching my Worldlie Estate I will and dispose thereof as followeth (viz:t)
IMPRIMIS I give and bequeath into the Major and Cominaltie of the Towne of Plimouth in the Countie of Devon and their Successors the Summe of ffiftie pounds of lawfull monie of England to be disposed of and layd out by them in the best manner they can UPON
UPON some freehold land to be purchased for the use and benefitt of the Hospitall called the poores ?portion in Plimouth
ITEM I give and bequeath into the Major and Cominaltie of the said Towne of Plimouth and theire Successors one other summe of ffiftie pounds of like monie to be disposed and layd out by them in the best manner that they can upon some ffreehould Land to be purchased towards the maintenance of the poore which shall from time to time Inhabitt or dwell in the old Almeshouse att Plimouth aforesaid both which said summes of ffiftie pounds and ffiftie pounds shall be paid unto the Mayor and Cominaltie and theire Successors within the space of Six moneths next after my decease
ITEM I give and bequeath to the poore of the parish of Saint Olave Hart rtreete London the summe of Tenn pounds of lawfull monie of England to be disposed of att the discretion of Hester my now Wife And my will and desires is that the said Hester my now wife shall have hold and inioy to her owne use and behoofe soe much monie as is mentioned and expressed for her to have in or by a certaine contract or writing made betweene me the said Moyses Goodyeare and Daniell Andrewes and Samuell Mico of London Marchants or else the Third part of my personall Estate which she shall thinke best of and ording to the intent and true meaning of the said contract or writing And I doe hereby give and bequeath unto the said Hester my Wife over and besides the said monie or the third part of my personall Estate which she shal thinke best all my plate Jewells and householdstuffe whatsoever
ITEM I give and bequeath to my ffather Moses Goodyeare of Plimouth aforesaid the summe of two hundred pounds of like monie
ITEM I give and bequeath unto my brother John Goodyeare of Plimouth aforesaid the summe of two hundred pounds of like money
ITEM I give and bequeath unto Moyses Goodyeare and Ann Goodyeare children of my brother Richard Goodyeare deceased the summe of ffiftie pounds a peece to be paid unto them att theire severall ages of one and twenty yeares a peece of theire severall dayes of mariage which shall first happen And if either of them shall die or depart this mortall life before the said age of one and twenty yeares or dayes of marriage That then the part share or portion of him or her soe dying shall be and remaone to the Survivour of them
ITEM I give and bequeath unto Thomas Crane and Moses Crane sonnes of my late brother in Lawe Thomas Crane deceased the Summe of Twentie five pound sof like monie a peece to be paid unto them att theire severall ages of one and twenty yeares a peece or severall dayes of marriage which shall first happen And if either of them shall die or depart this mortall life before they shall attaine to theire severall ages of one and twenty yeares or be married That then the part or portion of him soe dying shall be and remaine to the surviv:r of them
ITEM I give and bequeath to Dorothie fford the daughter of my late brother in Lawe James fford deceased the summe of ffiftie pounds of like monie to be paid unto her att her age of one and twenty yeares or day of marriage which shall first happen
ITEM I give and bequeath into Captaine Richard Cranley the summe of like monie
ITEM I give and bequeath into every one of my maid Servan:ts that shall be liveing with me att the time of my decease the summe of three pounds of like monie a peece
ITEM I give and bequeath unto my servant Thomas Andrewes the summe of Twentie pounds of like money
ITEM I give and bequeath to my servant John ??Loimon
THE summe of Twenty pounds of like monie
ITEM I gie and bequeath to Daniell Andrewes Timothie ?Alsoppans Christopher Toolie the summe of Twenty pounds of like monie
ITEM I give and bequeath all my Lands Messuages and Tenements To my sonne Moyses Goodyeare and to his heires and assignes for ever
All the rest and residue of my Estate whatsoever not before mentioned or disposed of I give and bequeath unto my two sonnes (videlicvt my said sonns Moyses Goodyeare and to my said sonne Aron Goodyeare to be equally devided betweene them when they shall attaine unto theire severall ages of one and twenty yeares or be married ...
Possible primary sources
Plymouth and West Devon Record Office
PWDRO: Gayer Family Papers [no ref. or date: [no title] 1221/59 1 July 1662]
- Contents: Award made in Court of Chancery. Between: i John Gayer, Jonathan Sparke, Shilston Calmady, esqs; ii John Goodyeare, merchant. Concerning a piece of land to the North of New Quay, Plymouth, leased to ii by Jonathan Sparke and Shilston Calmady, the guardians of John Gayer. Seal
C 5/35/35 Gayer v. Goodyeare: Devon. 1660
C 5/398/47 Gayer v. Goodyeare: Devon. 1658
C 22/633/9 Gayer v. Goodyear. Between 1558 and 1714
PROB 11/265 Ruthen 298-259 Will of Moyser Goodyeare, Merchant of London 09 June 1657
PROB 11/326 Hone 1-57 Will of John Goodyeare, Merchant of Plymouth, Devon 04 March 1668