MRP: Luke Lucie will

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PROB 11/312/250 Will of Luke Luce, Merchant of Saint Katherine Coleman, City of London 24 October 1663

1663 PROB 11/312 Will of Luke Luce, Merchant of Saint Katherine Coleman, City of London 24 October

Editorial history

04/12/11, CSG: Created page & posted transcription to wiki

Abstract & context

Luke Lucie's brother was Jacob Lucie. Their sister, Ann, was the widow of William Boeve, merchant of London. Their sister, Elizabeth, was the wife of Capt. Jeremy Blackman, and widow of the London physician Ahasuerus Regimorter.

Luke Lucie was born ca. 1613 and died at around the age of fifty in ca, 1663. In May 1650, he stated in a deposition in the high court of admiralty that he was "parish of S:t Catherin Coleman London Merchant aged 38 yeares or thereabouts."[1] In the same deposition Luke Lucie states that he is well acquainted with the French trade, and has spent time resident in France (presumably as a factor), writing letters of advice and sending goods to England.

Suggested links

See Jacob Lucie will
See William Boeve will
See Jeremy Blackman senior will

See 1656, Papers sent by Major Thomas Chamberlain to John Thurloe

To do

(1) Check this transcription


This transcription has been completed, but requires checking

IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN the ffive and twentieth daye of Aprill Anno Domini One Thousand Six Hundred Sixty Three And in the ffifteenth yeare of the Reigne of our Soveraine Lord Charles the Second by the grace of God King of England Scotland Ffrance and ireland defender of the ffaith xx I Luke Lucie of the parish of S:t Katherine Coleman London Merchant being sicke and weake in body but of perfect mynd and memory praysed be God therefore considering the frailty and uncertainty of the present life Doe make and ordaine this my present Testament (conteyning therein my last Will) in manner and forme following (That is to say)

FIRST and principally I recommend my soule to Almighty God my maker and redeemer hopeing and assured by beleeving through his grace nad the merritts and passion of Jesus Christ my xxxxx Saviour and redeemer to receive full and free pardon and forgiveness of all my sinnes and Transgressions and to be made partaker of xxx unspeakable Joyes which are prepared for the Elect of the Kingdome of heaven

MY BODY I committ to the Earth to be buried in the parish Church of S:t Katherine Coleman aforesaid neare unto the grave of my deare mother Anne Lucie there interred in such decent and Christian manner as to my Executor hereunder named shall seeme meete but not with any pompus solemnity

ITEM I will that all such debts and ?duties as I shall truely ?have and be indebted unto any person or persons att the tyme of my decease shall be well and truly paid and satisfied by my Executor within as ?xxxx tyme after my decease as may be conveniently

AND as touching such worldly meanes and estate both reall and personall as it hath pleased God of his mercy and goodness to bestow upon me my debts by me oweing xxx out of my personall Estate first paid and deducted I doe give devise bequeath and dispose thereof as followeth

AND FFIRST as touching my reall Estate I doe give and devise unto my deare and Loveeing brother Jacob Lucie and his heires and assignes for ever All my lands tenements and hereditaments whatsoever scytuate lying and being within the Kingdome of England or in the Island of Barbados in America or in any other place or places whatsoever

AND as touching my personall Estate I give and bequeath the same in manner hereunder expressed

FFIRST I give and bequeath unto my Nephew John Boeve and my Neice Mary Boeve the Children of my sister Ann Boeve by her husband William Boeve late of London Merchant deceased the summe of ffoure hundred pounds of lawfull money of England to be equally devided betweene them And the One Moiety of the said Legacie to be paid to the said John Boeve at the time of his accomplishing the Age of One and Twenty yeares And the other moiety thereof to be paid unto the said Mary Boeve at her atteyning the said age of One and Twenty yeares or the day of her Marriage (which shall first happen) And my will and mindis That if either of the said Two Children shall happen to dye before his or her part and portion of the said Legacies shall grow due and payable according to the true meaning of this my Will Then the part and porton of the said Legacies belonging to him or her soe deceasing shall accrew and come to the survivour of them and shall be paid at the tyme that the survivours owne part and porton thereof


Shall grow due to be paid

AND if both of them shall happen to dye before the aid Legacie shall grow due and payable then the said ?whose Legacie shall come and accrew to my Executor

ITEM I give and bequeath Ahasuerus Regimorter and William Regimorter the sonnes of my sister Elizabeth Blackman by her former husband Ahasuerus Regimorter late of London Doctor of Physicke deceased the summe of Eight hundred pounds of lawfull money of England to be equally divided betweene them and paid unto them respectively att their severall accomplishments of the age of One and Twenty yeares And if either of them dye before he attaine the said age of One and Twenty yeares Then the part and portion of the said moneyes belonging to him soo deceasing shall accrew and come to the survivor of them and shall be paid unto him at the tyme that his owne proporton (sic) of the said moneys shall grow due to be paid unto him by this my will And if both my said Nephews last mentioned shall happen to depart this life before attayning the said Age of One and Twenty yeares Then this Legacy by me to them above herein bequeathed shall accrew and come to my Executor Which moneyes above bequeathed unto the said Ahasuerus Regimorter and William Regimorter payable as aforesaid I doe give unto them over and above my part of and in the Brewhouse called or knowne by the name or signe of the ?Harthorses scytuate in or neare East Smithfeild in the County of Middlesex which, I formerly gave unto their mother for their use

ITEM I give and bequeath unto my nephew Luce Blackman another sonne of my said sister Elizabeth Blackman by her late husband Jeremy Blackman Esquire deceased the the summe of ffoure hundred pounds of lawfull money of England to be paid him at his attayning of the age of one and Twenty yeares And if he dye before his attayning the said age Then the said Legacie shall accrew and be paid unto his said mother Elizabeth Blackman if she shall be liveing at the tyme of such decease of the said Luce Blackman and shall be paid unto her within Twelve months next after such decease But in case shee shall be deceased before such decease of her said sonne Luce Blackman then the said Legacie herein bequeathed to the said Luce Blackman shall accrue and come to my Executor

ITEM I give and bequeath unto ?Peternille ?Morette daughter of Anthony ?Morette of Middleburgh in Zealand merchant deceased and widdow of John ?Kexxx late of Middleburgh aforesaid Woollen Draper deceased the Sume of Twenty pounds of lawfull money of England

ITEM I give and bequeath to my Goddaughter Mary Austin the daughter of John Braybrooks and wife of Peter Austen the Sume of Tenn pounds of Like money,

ITEM I give and bequeath unto Cornelius van ?Bonnell who hath beene my servant and hath done me good and faithfull service the summe of ffifty pounds of lawfull money of England

ITEM I give to my two Compting house servants That shall serve me at the tyme of my decease the sume of Tenn pounds a peece of lawfull money of England And if I shall have but One Compting house servant at the tyme of my decease Then I give unto him the summe of Tenn pounds

ITEM, I give unto my Serving man that shall dwell with me at the tyme of my decease the Sume of ffive pounds

ITEM I give unto my maid servants that shall dwell with me at the tyme of my decease the respective Legacies of ffoure pounds a peece

ITEM I give unto the poore people of the parish wherein I shall happen to decease the summe of Thirty pounds of lawfull money of England To be distributed amongst them within one month next after my decease by my Executor with the xxxx and assistance of the Minister and Churchwardens of the same parish

ITEM I give unto the Minister of the parish wherein I shall decease the Sume of Tenn pounds of like money

ITEM I give unto the poore of the Duch Church in London the sum of ffifty pounds of like money to be paid unto the Deacons of the said Church for the use of the said poore

ITEM I give unto the Ministers of the said Dutch Church in London the respective Legacies of


Tenn pounds a peece of like money

THE REST AND RESIDUE of all and singular my good Chattells household stuffe wares ready money Plate Leases debts adventures and other estate whatsoever to me belonging and not before in these psents given and bequeathed I doe give and bequeath unto my said Brother Jacob Luce Which said Jacob Luce I do make ordain and appoint the full and sole Executor of this my psent Testament and last will and I doe hereby utterly revoake make void and adnihilate all former and other wills Legacies and bequests by me att any tyme heretofore made and given And doe publish and declare this my present Testament to be my very last will and none other or otherwise,

IN WITNES whereof I the said Luke Luce have hereunto sett my hand and Seale Dated the day and yeare ffirst above written.

Luke Luce.

Signed sealed published declared and delivered by the said Luke Luce the Testator as and for his last will and Testament in the psence of John Carter Peter Loe John Alsop Scr and William Braxton his serv:t

I LUKE LUCE the Testator doe by this Postscript or Codicill give unto the poore of the parish where I now dwell the Legacy of Thirty pounds which is above bequeathed to the parish where I shall dye to be distributed amongst them in manner above specified And I doe also give unto the Minister of the Parish where I now dwelleth the Legacie of Tenn pounds which is above bequeathed to the Minister of the Parish where I shall dye which two Legacies I will to be expended according to this Codicill and not otherwise

Witnis my hand the day of the date aforesaid.

Luke Luce

Witnesses to this Codicill, John Carter, Peter Loe John Alsop and William Braxton

Probatum fuit. [7 lines of latin]


Possible primary sources

  1. Jump up HCA13/64, P1090606, f. Xr