MRP: James Lane will

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James Lane will

PROB 11/347 Dycer 1-51 Will of James Lane, Leather Seller of London 18 May 1675

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IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN The Nyneth day of Aprill Anno Domini 1675 And in the Seaven and Twentieth yeare of the Reigne of our Soveragne Lord Charles the Second by the Grace of God King of England Scotland ffrance and Ireland defender of the ffaith xx. I James Lane Cittizen and Leatherseller of London being at this time sicke and weak in body But of sound and perfect mind and memory (Praise be given to Almighty God) In regard of the uncertainty of this Transitory Life Doe therefore make and declare this my Last will and Testament in manner following (That is to say)

FIRST and principally I comend my soule into the hands of Almighty God my maker and Creator And of his sonne Jesus Christ my Onely Saviour and Redeemer through the alone merritts of whose most Bitter death and passion I stedfastly hope to be saved My Body I Comitt unto the Earth from whence it came To be in decent and Christian like manner brought to the ground and buried att the discretion of my loveing wife Anne Lane

And as touching and concerning All such worldy goods and Estate wherewith it hath pleased God to blesse me I doe give and dispose of the same (after my debts paid, and ffunerall Expences discharged) as followeth (That is to say)

IMPRIMIS I doe give and bequeath unto my loving daughter Elizabeth Lane the summe of ffower hundred pounds of lawfull money of England

ITEM I doe give and bequeath unto my wellbeloved sonne James Lane the sume of ffower hundred pounds of like lawfull money

ITEM I give unto my loveing daughter Anne Lane the like sume of ffower hundred pounds

ITEM I give and bequeath unto my Loveing daughter Sarah Lane the sume of ffower hundred pounds of like lawfull money

ITEM I give unto my Loving daughter Katherine lane the sume of ffower hundred pounds of like lawfull money

ITEM I give unto my Loving sonne William Lane the sume of ffower hundred pounds of like money

ITEM I give and bequeath unto my loving sonne Charles Lane the like sume of ffower hundred pounds which said several legacies before given to my said Children I will order and appoint shall be paid unto my said Children Respectively in manner following (viz:t) To my said Sonnes at their severall and respective ages of one and Twenty yeares And to my said daughters att their severall and respective ages of one and Twenty yeares or the dayes of their severall and Respective marriages which shall ffirst happen Provided they my said daughters doe marry by and with the approbation good likeing and Consent of their mother And all which mysaid Childrens Portions amounting in the whole to the sume of Two Thousand and Eight hundred pounds I will order and appoint the same To be raised out of my Estate and soe soone as possible may be after my decease be paid into the Chamberlains hands of the Citty of London there to remaine (amongst other Orphans moneys) att and for the usuall interest there allowed dureing and untill my said Children respectively shall be capable of receiving the same according to the tenor of this my will And in case that any of my said Seaven Children shall happen to dye or depart this life before that their respective portions aforesaid shall become due and payable by force of this my will Then I doe give and bequeath the part and porcon Parts and porcons aforesaid of them or any of them soe dyeing unto and amongst the Survivors of my said Children equally part and Share alike

ITEM I doe give and bequeath unto my deare and loving wife Anne Lane the sume of ffive hundred pounds of lawfull money of England And my will and desire is That all and every my goods Chattells Merchandizes householdstuffe and debts either upon spitialty (sic) booke or otherwise shall as soone as conveniently may be after my decease be fully Inventoried appraised called in sold and disposed by my Executor herein after named with the advice directions and assistance of his Guardian herein after named And the moneys thereby ariseing and to be made I will shalbe imployed and disposed of as ffolloweth (viz:t)

First for the payment discharge and satisfaction of all and every the debts and sumes of money which I justly and truly owe to any person or persons upon any Accompt whatsoever Next for the discharge paym:t and satisfaction of my ffunerall Charges and Expences And next for and Towards the payment and satisfaction of my said wifes legacie of ffive hundred pounds And the Residue to be paid and imployed onely for the makeing up of my said Childrens porcons and serveing of the same in the Chamberlains hand, for the benefitt of my said Children according to the true intent of this my will And the Surplusage over and besides what is above mentoned and ordered to be seised (?) and disposed in manner aforesaid I will shall be accompttd as and part of That remainder of my Estate As I shall hereafter in this my will express to give equally unto and amongst my Children And shall come and descend to them and the Survivors of them according to the intent of this my will and not otherwise

ITEM I doe give remitt and Release unto my Loveing Brother Walter Lane of Wednesfold in the parish of Wolverhampton in the County of Stafford All and every the Interest moneys That now is or at any time afterwards shall grow due xxxx or (?) my Executor upon Certain mortgage from him unto me in long sxxxx made Soe alwayes as he my said Brother his heires Executors or assignes do truly consent and pay or range to be paid To my sonn James Lane the summe of sixty pounds principall moneys due upon the same mortgage when my said sonne James shall attain the age of one and Twenty yeares

ITEM I doe give and bequeath unto my loving nephew Thomas Lane and his heires and assignes for ever full and free nigress (sic) Egress regresse way and passage for him and his and their Tenements (or Tennants?) att in by through Three ffaulcon Court scituate at S:t Margaretts hill in the Borough of Southwark in the County of Surrey unto or from all or any of my said Nephews houses or Tenements their lying or neare adjoyneing Together alsoe with the privilidge benefitt and accomodation of all and every the dores lights windowes Eves dropping and watercourses of the same howses or Tenements as are made or have their prospect fall and Current into the said Court

ITEM I doe further will order and appoint and hereby enjoyne and xxxx my Executor herein after named That he with the advise and assistance of his Guardian hereafter named Doe with all possible Expeditionafter my decease out of the ffirst moneys ariseing by my Estate pay satisfy and discharge or cause to be paid unto the Chamberlaine of the Citty of London (for the time being) The sume of Seaven hundred pounds of lawfull money of England or thereabouts (be it more or lesse) which I owe unto the Orphans of my late Brother Thomas Lane deceased unto whom I was Guardian And for which moneys I and my late Aunt Katherine Jackson deceased were and doe stand severally boundand ingaged And from and after such payment and satisfaction of the said Seaven hundred pounds unto the Chamberlaine as aforesaid Then I doe give devise and bequeath unto my said Loveing wife Anne Lane for and dureing the Terme of her naturall life All that my one moiety or halfe part of and in a certaine ffreehold messuage known by the Signe of the Three ffaulcons now in the occupacon of William Surflett (?) Scrivener And certaine other howses or Tenements adjoyneing neare thereabouts Called by the name of Three ffaulcon Court scituate lying and being att or neare S:t Margaretts hill within the parish of S:t Saviour in the Burrough (sic) of Southwark in the County of Surrey And aswell from and after such payment of the said Seaven hundred pounds as aforesaid As from and immediatly after the decease of my said wife Anne Lane I doe give devise and bequeath unto my said sonne James Lane and his heires and assignes for ever My moiety Righttitle interest and Inhertitance of and in the said Messuage knowne by the signe of the Three ffaulcons And the said howse or Tenements called Three ffaulcon Court with the appurtenances And from and after the payment of the aforesaid Then I doe give devise and bequeath unto my said Loveing daughter Anne Lane And her heires and assignes forever My ffreehold Land with the appurtenances lyeing in Little Bookeham in the County of Surrey conteyning by Estimation Tenn Acres more or lesse now in the occupacion of Richard Watxxx of his assignes

ITEM I doe give and bequeath unto my loving Aunt Sarah Martin the sume of Tenn pounds of lawfull money of England To buy her mourning to weare att my ffunerall

ITEM I doe give and bequeath unto my loving Uncle M:r William ffitzhugh the Elder Twenty shillings to buy him a Ring to wear in Remembrance of me

ITEM I doe give and bequeath unto my Loving sister in Law Elizabeth Laughton the sume of ffifty pounds of lawfull money of England

ITEM I doe give devise and bequeath unto my said loving wife Anne Lane All and every my ffreehold Lands and Tenements scituate lying and being in Coventry in the County of Warwick which I lately purchased of Samuell Peasley To hold unto her my said wife Anne Lane for and during the terme of her naturall life And from and immediatly after the decease of my said wife Anne Lane Then I doe give devise and Bequeath the same my ffreehold Land and Tenements scituate and being in Coventry aforesaid unto my said Loveing daughter Elizabeth Lane her heires and assignes for ever The deeds of which last mentoned Estate I intrusted with and doe lye in the hands and Custody of Leonard Biddock (?) of Coventry aforesaid

ITEM I doe give and bequeath unto my said sonne William Lane One Lease of a certaine Messuage scituate in Pater Noster Rowe in the Citty of London (which Lease was lately given to me by the will of my said late Aunt Katherine Jackson deceased) To have and to hold the same Lease and premises unto him my said sonne William Lane his Executors Administrators and assignes for and during All the remainder of the terme to come and unexpired in the same lease

NOW as touching and concerning the Ordering and disposall and governement of my Seaven Children herein before named during their severall and respective Minorities My will and desire is as followeth (That is to say) And ffirst I doe Comend and Comitt unto my said Loveing wife Anne Lane The Charge Custody care Education maintenance and bringing up of ffoure of my said Children namely Elizabeth Lane James Lane Sarah Lane and Charles Lane Not doubting but she my said wife will bring them up in good Nurture and in the fiare (sic) of the Lord And I doe will and order that she my said wife shall have take and receive All and every the Interest moneys Rents issues and proffitts of the said my ffower Childrens respective portions and Estates for such their maintenanceand bringing up for and dureing all the time of their nonage (viz:t) untill the said James Lane and Charles Lane shall each of them respectively attaine to the age of one and Twenty yeares And untill the said Elizabeth Lane and Sarah Lane respectively shall attaine to the age of one and Twenty yeares or be married

AND I doe comend and comitt unto my Loveing Aunt Sarah Martin The Charge Custody care Education maintenance and bringing up of Two other of my Children namely Katherine Lane and William Lane desireing her my said Aunt to bring them up in good nurture and in the ffeare of the Lord And I doe will order and appoint That she my said Aunt Sarah Martin shall have take and receive The Rents and proffitts of my houses scituate neare London Bridge ffoote And of my said howse scituate in Paternoster Row London together with the Interest and Estates towards their Maintenance and bringing upp for and during their respective minorities And the overplus and surplusage of the same Rents and proffitts aforesaid I will shalbe kept and preserved for the increase and advancement of Th’estates and portions of my said Children Katherine Lane and William Lane And I doe Comend and Comitt unto my Loveing uncle William ffitzhugh the elder the charge Custody Care education maintenance and bringing up of my daughter Anne Lane desireing him to bring her up in good nurture and in the ffeare of the Lord And I doe will order and appoint That he my said uncle William ffitzhugh the Elder shall have take and receave the Rents and proffitts of my said land lyeing in Little Bookham aforesaid in the said County of Surrey Together with all the Interest moneys and other proffitts of her my said daughter Anne Lanes Portion and estate for and towards her maintenance and bringing up for and during her minority And the overplus and surplusage of the same Rents and proffitts as aforesaid (if any be) I will shalbe kept and preserved for the increase and advancement of Th’estate and porton of my said daughter Anne Lane

ITEM I doe give and bequeath unto my Loveing Cousen Samuell Jackson and my Cousen William Wight Twenty shillings a peece to buy either of them a Ring to weare in Remembrance of me

ITEM I doe give and bequeath unto my Loving Cousens Thomas Lane and Sarah Lane ffive pounds apeeceof lawfull money of England To buy either of them mourning to weare att my ffunerall

ITEM I doe give and bequeath unto my Loving ffreind William Surflett (?) of the Burrough of Southwark aforesaid Scrivener The sume of Tenn poundsof lawfull money of EnglandTo buy him mourning to weare at my ffunerall

ITEM I doe give unto my servant Richard Perry) if he shall faithfully serve out the remainder of his time with my said wife and Executor) the sume of Twenty pounds of lawfull money of England To be paid him att the Expiration of his Terme

ITEM I doe give unto my other servant Thomas Ryley if he shall well and faithfully serve out the Remainder of his time with my said wife and Executor) The sume of tenn pound of lawfull money of England To be paid him att the expiration of his Terme The Rest Residue and Remainder of all and singular my ready moneys goods Chattells Leases and Estate whatsoever and wheresoever not herein before disposed of I doe give and bequeath the same unto mysaid loveing Children namely Elizabeth Lane James Lane Anne Lane Sarah Lane Katherine Lane and William Lane and Charles Lane and to the Survivors of them The same to be equally devided amongst them part and share alike

AND I DOE make and ordaine my said sonne James Lawfull and sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament And I doe constitute name order and appoint the said William Surflett (?) To be Guardian unto my said sonne James Lane dureing all the time of his Nonage and untill he my said sonne shalbe of the Age of one and Twenty yeares And I doe desire depute ordaine and Authorize the said William Surrflett (?) to collect and gather in All my debts and moneys oweing to mee for the uses and purposes in this my will declared And alsoe to make sale and dispose of all and any my goods and Chattells for the raiseing of moneys in order


To the discharge of my debts ffunerall expenses and Legacies herein conteyned according to the purpose and the intent and meaning of this my will And all and whatsoever the aforesaid Guardian shall Act and doe therein I will shall be and be deemed and accepted as valid in the Law to all intents and purposes as though my said Executor had done the same att the time of his full age of one and Twenty yeares And I will order and appoint That hee the said William Surflett shall have and receive out of my Estate honest and reasonable content and satisfaction for whatsoever pxxxx Trouble losse of time charges and expences hee shalbe att or exposed unto therein And shall in noe wise be prejudiced or damnified thereby

AND for overseers of this my will I doe nominate and appoint the before named Samuell Jackson and William Wight desiring their and either of their best Care and assitance in the due oversight of this my will To see the same in all things performed according to my true intent and meaning

AND Lastly I doe hereby Revoake all former and other wills whatsoever by me made or spoken and none of them to stand in force but this my will onely IN WITNES whereof to this my last will and Testam:t contayning Eight Sheets of Paper with this Last Sheete I have sett my hand and seale to every sheete and affixed my seale To the whole The day and yeare in the ffirst sheete ffirst above written


Sealed and delivered in the presence of And be it Remembered That the Testator herein gives to his wife Anne Lane The proffitts of all his parts and shares of and in All and every his Shipps and Vessells Towards the maintenance of his ffoure children Elizabeth James Sarah and Charles) Witnesses Tho: Riley Tho: Martin Serv:t to W:m Surflett scr.
The mark of Elizabeth Warren

DECIMO OCTAVO DI Mensis May Anno Domini Millesimo Sextenesimo Septuagesimo Quinto


Possible primary sources