MRP: George Willoughby will
George Willoughby will
PROB 11/177 Lee 52-114 Will of George Willoughby, Merchant of London 04 July 1638
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George Willoughby (b. ?, d. 163?7) was the son of Richard Willoughby of Knoyle, Wiltshire.
See Bantam (George Willoughby was President of the English East India Company factory at Bantam, ca. 1630-ca. 1639)
See Robert Willoughby will
See Christopher Willoughby will
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IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN I George Willoughby of London merchant being in health of bodie and of good & perfect minde and memorie (praised bee allmightie God doe make and declare this my present Testament conteyning herein my will in manner and forme followinge
FFIRST & principallie & before all earthly thinges I committ & commend my soule to Allmightie God my makerm & to Jesus Christ his onely Sonne my onlie Saviour & Redeemer humblie on my knees beseeching mercy pardon & forgiveness of all my synees , by those precious death painfull passion and glorious Resurreccon I faithfullie trust and stedfastlie believe to be saved & to have eternal life,
SECONDLIE I doe humblie uppon my knees desire to be forgiven of all such as I have any waie att any time offended & of all the world, and I doe in like manner humbly and trulie forgive all those that have offended me in any kinde whatsoever,
THIRDLY I commend my bodie to the earth from whence itt cae, faithfullie trustinge in the resurreccon in the last daie to happiness) where I desire itt may bee decentlie buried in such manner as to my executo:rs hereafter named shall seeme fitting.
FFOURTHLY for & concerning all such worldlie goods where with itt hath pleased Almightie God in mercie to endowe mee and whereof I shallbe possessed att the tyme of my decease I whollie give and dispose the same as followeth
That is to saie
FFIRST that all my debtes w:ch shalbe by me iustly dewe att the tyme of my decease bee by my executor truly satisfied and paid I will that all the rest of my goods and chattles and debtes and estate whatsoever Saveinge only soe much as will satisfie my ffunerall charges be devided into fowre score equall partes which I give as followeth vizt,
I give tenn partes for marriage porccons to six damsells and to as many more as itt will reache unto att twenty poundes sterlinge each such as are very poore or Orphants which hath not any other meanes for their marriage dowries, And my desire is that the daughters of Richard Willoughby of Knoyle deceased & of John Hunt of Buxton by his wife deceased be preferred herein before others, because they are neare allyeXX unto mee being the brother and sisters of my ffather, I give eight partes to be spent on instruccon of poore orphantes male, to reade and write, and for to binde them Apprentice that they may bee instructed to knowe the Allmightie, & bee entered into some vocaccon whereby they may live honestly in the world And my desire is that the sonnes of the abovesaid Richard Willoughby & of John Hu?nt (OR, Huitt) of Buxton by his wife Dorcas bee preferred before others, I give into my godsonne Albyginns Wallis (w:ch is att present in the Molucas on the Island MAGNIAN in the custodie of the Hollanders) the sonne of Anthonie Wallis twoe parts to be employed and expended in and dor his instruccon in our Christian Religion in performance of my promise for him at the ffont, I give twoe partes unto my goddaughter Ann Willoughbie the daughter of my cousen George Willoughby gentleman for the same use I give tenn partes to buy land or howses for pxons used the revenewe whereof to be expended in breade & distributed on Wednesdaies & fridaies to porre decrepitt and distressed people in remembrance of twoe greate deliverances w:ch the almighty in mercie gave me on those daies I give on pt to the wife of my uncle Richard Wills of Knoyle deceased because shee is in wante, I give unto the Almshowses of the East India Compaine five partes in remembrance that I have gained parte of my estate in their service, I give to pious use five partes to bee att the disposinge of my brother Robert Willoughbie, but if he bee deceased before that Legacy be paid, Then my will is that itt be att the disposinge of my executor and overseers ioyntly, I give to the poore of the parish of
Lombardstreet & S:t Marie Wolnoth London one pte in thankfull remembrance that there I did profitt in y:e service of God I give unto y:e poore of y:e parish of Knoyle where I lyved sometyme of my mynoritie one pte I gove unto the parish of Alderbury neere Sarum one pte for y:e poore of that parish because there I lived sometyme I give to y:e poore of Katherine Colemanstreete London one pte And my will is that these Legacyes given to y,e forenamed parishes be distributed amongst the said poore by the good discrecon of the Parson and churchwardens of each said parish as they shall thinke meete But if y:e one ffowerscore pte of my estate given to each of y.e forenamed parishes doe exceede y:e summe of Tenn poundes Then my will is that onely Tenn pounds be payd for y:e poore of each of y:e said parishes aforesaid And y:e remaynder to be for pious uses at y:e discreccon of my Executor And if y:e one ffowerscore pte given as above to eache of the afore named parishes amounte to the full summe of tenn pounds, Then I desire that twenty shillinges thereof bee given to the Parson of each parish for a ffunerall Seremon to be preached on S:t George his daie, I give unto my servant GAIA MANTA whoe I hope will endeavour to be the servant of God tenn poundes to bind him apprentice to some handicrafte trade in England whereby hee maybe able hereafter to gaine his owne livinge, and soe leade the residue of his life in this land of the Gospell, which if hee will not bee persuaded unto , but will goe to Sea or returne into the partes of the East Indies after his nowe retorne, then my will is that noe legacy be given unto him, but that the poore receive the benefitt thereof att the disposeing of my executor, I give to my brother Rogert Willoughbie three partes, but if he be deceased (as I understand he is) then my will is it be equally devided amongst the heires of his bodie lawfully begotten of it be soe that hee hath any In faile whereof, my will is that my brother Robert Willoughby or his children be his heires herein, I give to my brother John Willoughby three partes, I give to my cousen Gabriell Ludlowe of the Inner Temple esquire one pte in remembrance of his loving assistance to mee. I give to M:r Symon Snowe[1] of Exon merchant on condiccon that hee bee one of my Overseers one parte, I give unto my Aunt Dorcas H??intt twoe partes unto my brother Robert Willoughby[2] merchant w:ch is nowe ?received in the Islands of Madara thirteene partes or to his children if he be deceased to be equally devided amongst them, And to his sonne Robert Willoughby I give more fowre parts, I give unto John White the elder which dwelleth in Alderbury neare XXX att whose howse I in my minoritie did boarde) one gold ringe for a Memorandum of thirtie shillinges price I give unto M:r Jeremie Sambrooke one parte I give unto M:r Adam Boweman one parte, I give unto M:r Thomas ?Spinne (w:ch att present is a committee of the East India Companie, one parte, whom I make executor of this my p:rsent testam:t & will, But if this my present Executor be deceased before my will be fulfilled, Then my will is that my brother Robert Willoughby bee my executor, In whose absence I appoint M:r JEREMY SAMBROOKE for him, And if any of these persons before mencconed whom Legacies bee given are deceased before their legacies bee paid, Then my will is that the poore be their heires in these Legacies except my brother Robert Willoughby & my brother Roger Willoughby, but if they alsoe departe this life without lawfull heires of their bodies or if their heires be deceased before their Legacies be paid or dewe, then my will is that it bee annexed unto the eight and tenn partes given for pious uses before mencconed to bee employed in Land x:r And I desire & appointe my Cousen Gabriell Ludlowe of the Inner Temple Esquire, And M:r Symon Snowe of Exon merchant, And M:r Jeremie Sambrooke of London Haberdasher nowe generall Accomptant to the East India Company and M:r Adam Bowen gen to be Overseers of this my will desiring them to be ayding & assisting to my Executo:r in and about the execuccon of the same, and to see the same performed according to my trewe meaning herein declared, And whereas my cosen Gabriell Ludlowe of the Inner Temple Esquire have become bound for mee unto the Governor and Companie of Merchants of Londpn trading
East India in a bond of one thowsand poundes, my desire & will is that hee bee discharged thereof ny redelivery of the said bond cancelled unto him before that my executor receive or enioy any beniff of this my will, And I doe hereby disanull and make voide all former Testaments and wills by me made, and will that this only shall stand & be for & as my Last will & Testament
IN WITNESS whereof I have hereunto sett my hand & Seale this fifteenth day of January in the yeare of our Lord God one thowsand six hundred thirty & three
Memorandum that wee whose names are hereunder subscribed were att the openinge of this present will & caused the same to be sealed upp againe after the readinge thereof thi seaventh August 1637.
Josias Shute, George Humble, Adam Bowen, Sambrooke
PROBATUM fuit Testamentum...
Jeremie Sambrooke
Gabriel Ludlow, Inner Temple
"The Regicides. - A number of the regicides were members of the Inner....William Cowley, Recorder of Chichester, and Gabriel Ludlow, a Bencher, both escaped to Vevey."[3]
Robert Willoughby, Madeira
"A Knight of the Order of Christ, named Robert Willoughby, came from Portugal in 1590. His name was corrupted to Vizovi"[4]
- Note: need a primary source to confirm this
"From Robert Willoughby, an Englishman, whose name was changed to Vizovi. He came to Madeira from Portugal with his wife, Donna Antonia Coibem, in 1590."[5]
Madeira genealogy resource[6]
Symon Snow, merchant, Exeter
"The Names of the Knights, Citizens and Burgesses of the Counties, Cities and Borough-Towns of England and Wales, and Barons of the Ports in the Parliament Assembled at Westminster the 3:d day of November. 1640....
Exeter City.
Robert Walker, Esq;.
Symon Snow, Merchant.
Oliver St. John, Efq;.
John Maynard, Efq;"[7]
Possible primary sources
PROB 11/53 Holney Will of Christopher Willoughbye of Knoyle Odierne, Wiltshire 11 May 1571 (pp. 7)
PROB 11/177 Lee 52-114 Will of George Willoughby, Merchant of London 04 July 1638
PROB 11/258 Berkeley 313-362 Will of Robert Willoughby or Wiloughby of Funchal, Island of Madeira 21 October 1656
PROB 11/331 XXXX Sentence of Simon Snowe of Westwood, Devon 11 March 1669
PROB 11/329 Coke 1-56 Will of Simon Snowe, Merchant of Westwood, Devon 31 March 1669
PROB 11/643 Coke 108-166 Will of William Willoughby of West Knoyle, Wiltshire 19 February 1731
Wiltshire and Swindon Archives
Wiltshire and Swindon Archives: Mere and Netherhampton: [no title 150/1 28 Sept 29 Eliz [1587]]
- Contents: Appointment. Sir Walter Raleigh and Caroe Raleigh to Henry Willoughby of Knoyle Odyerne, to be their deputy in the Stewardship of the royal manor.
Signature of Sir Walter Raleigh. Places named: Mere
Wiltshire and Swindon Archives: Penruddocke of Compton Chamberlayne: Manorial [no ref. or date: [no title] 332/246 1604-1669]
- Contents: Court book, manor of Baverstock, John Willoughby lord, John Lowe steward, 1604-1606. Endorsed 'Baverstoke and presentmentes by the [hom]age of Knoyle', with (loose), pages or fragments for 1628/29, 1667, 1669, Thomas Gawen, Elizabeth Drew, lord and lady.
Wiltshire and Swindon Archives: Manor of Knoyle: [no title 64/1 nd]
- Contents: Copy of court roll admitting Christopher Willoughby to one virgate of land in Milton in the Manor of Knoyle. 1681
Possible secondary sources
- Jump up ↑ Symon Snow, merchant of Exeter, was probably one of Exeter's two M.P.'s in 1640, and may be the merchant of that name whose will was proved in 1669. See John Rushworth, Historical collections: the third part; in two volumes (London, 1691), p. 3; PROB 11/329 Coke 1-56 Will of Simon Snowe, Merchant of Westwood, Devon 31 March 1669
- Jump up ↑ Will of Robert Willoughby or Wiloughby of Funchal, Island of Madeira 21 October 1656. See Robert Willoughby will
- Jump up ↑ Hugh H. L. Bellot, Temple of the Inner Temple (XXX, repr. 1999), pp. 30-31
- Jump up ↑ Charles Thomas-Stanford, Leaves from a Madeira garden (XXXX, XXXX), p. ?110
- Jump up ↑ Biddley, A.J. Drexel, The land of the wine, vol. 2 (Philadelphia & San Francisco, 1901), p. 78
- Jump up ↑, viewed 08/01/12
- Jump up ↑ John Rushworth, Historical collections: the third part; in two volumes (London, 1691), p. 3