MRP: Elizabeth Ashe will
Elizabeth Ashe will
PROB 11/449 Pott 1–44 Will of Elizabeth Ashe, Widow of Halstead, Kent 07 January 1699
Editorial history
21/11/11, CSG: Added transcription
[hide]Abstract & context
Wife and widow of Edward Ashe, SVJS investor, and sister-in-law of Jonathan Ashe, SVJS investor, and of the other brothers: John, Joseph, and Samuel Ash(e)
Suggested links
See John Ashe will
See Edward Ashe will (Deceased husband of Elizabeth Ashe)
See James Ashe will
See Jonathan Ash will
See Sir Joseph Ash will
To do
(1) Complete the transcription
I ELIZABETH ASHE of Halstead in the County of Kent Widdow the Relict and one of the Executors of my most deare husband Edward Ashe late of London Esquire being at present through mercy in perfect health and memory doe make this my last Will as followeth:
I doe in all humility desire as freely to forgive all the World as my dear Lord and Saviour hath shed forth his most precious Blood for the redemption of my poor Soul which I stedfastly believe he hath done according to the promise of my ever blessed God in the covenant of free grace
My Will is if dye at Heitsbury that my body be laid by my dear daughter Ashe, if at Halstead then there, if at London then in the Chancell of Allhallows Stainings in Mark Lane by my deare husband in a decent but not pompous manner.
ITEM I give to my son Boley (sic) my son Edward Ashe Daughter Exxx my brother Will: Jolliffe my sister Xxarden and my sister Phillips to each of them Tenn pounds apeice for mourning.
ITEM I give to my son Edward Ashe the sum of One hundred pound.
ITEM I give to my Grandson Will Ash the Two Hundred pound Bond with the Interest due upon it from John Jolliffe Esquire he being obedient to his ffather.
ITEM I give to my Grandson M:r Alexander Ashe the Sum of One Hundred pound
ITEM I give to my Three Granddaughters Leititia Ashe Eliz: Ashe and Anne Ashe the Sume of One Hundred pounds apeice to each of them
ITEM I give to M:r Ratcliffe George Ringwood toe ach of them ffive pound apeice and Three pound apeice for mourning if they are living with me at the time of my death.
ITEM I give to the poor of Halstead the Sume of Tenn pounds.
My Will is if my personall Estate fall short that the Estate of Inheritance whereof I am now seized commonly known by the name of ?Ripon hay in the parish of Leek in the County of Stafford be liable to pay the aforesaid Gifts.
ITEM my Will is that the hundred pounds that I have in my brother Alderman Jolliffe’s hands be disposed of by him within Three Months after my decease to those perticular persons whose names I have left in a note with his bond
Lastly I doe hereby nominate and appoint and make my dear son William Ashe sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament to whom I give the Residue of my Goods and Chattells that I shall not farther dispose of in a Writing which lyes with this my Will I would have the bequests therein expressed faithfully performed as if they were herein particularly menconed And to this my Will written in ffoure Sheets of Paper and to every Sheet thereof I have sett my hand and to the last Sheet thereof and upon the String wherewith the Sheets are fastened together at the top I have in hard wax sett my Seal this Sixteenth day of Aprill in the year of our Lord One Thousand Six Hundred Ninety ffoure and in the sixth year of the reign of our Soveraign Lord
And Lady King William and Queen Mary.
Eliza: Ashe
Signed Sealed and published as the last Will and Testament of Elizabeth Ashe the day and year abovewritten in the psence of Lucy Jolliffe Mary ?Tristram John Radcliffe
Nov: 1695
THIS is the Note menconed in my Will that was made in Aprill One Thousand Six Hundred Ninety ffoure wherein I have disposed of severall things that I think not so proper to mention in my Will.
First I give to my Daughter EXXX my Silver Teapot and Silver ffxxxxx The ffeather bed boulster and pillows with Blankets and Rugg she used to lye on in her Chamber all the Ebony Chairs and other things there are her owne save the pictures and that China on the Mxxxx Tree and the yellow Velvet Chairs she should have had with the yellow damask Bed but I could not spare them and my Bible in my Chest
To Mis Leticia Ashe one String of my best Pearle Necklace and my side XXXX under petticoat and my hand candlestick and six gilt sweet meat spoons
To Mis Elizabeth Ashe that other string of my best Pearle Necklace my little Diamond Locket the wrought Bed with Window curtains and all that wrought work belonging to it with that Olive Chest of drawers and xxing glass all which are in my Chambre with that India Satten Quilt to it with a Porringer and spoone and my little Cordial Cupp my best laced Cushion Cloth and my Velvet scarfe and wrought Night?cayle
To Mis Ann Ashe the Two Strings of Pearle that are in her Sister ?Lets hand that Bracelet my Lady Dorset gave me and ffour pound to buy a Chest of Drawers and Ten pounds to buy Xxmety and Worsted for her to work her a Bed my hand candlestick and my biggest Cordial Cupp and a Pottinger and Spoone with my tape lined Cushion Cloth and my little gilt pocket box and Tortoise shell Cabinett
To M:rs Sarah Holey my Ring sett round with Diamonds
To M:rs Mary Holey my China Basen and Ewer that stands in the best Parlour the lesser of them
To M:rs XXXX that great China Basen and Bottle
To M:r Hodly I give Three Guineas
My wearing Cloths all the best I leave to my Neice ?ffarmer and Neice Betty Molding except Three Lace to xxxxx with that great Elbow Chair in my Chambre and the wooll Xxxxx to my uncles and John ffullers Wife a share in them
To M:rs Eliz: and Abigail Horley ffive broad peices to each of them
The Ten pound I gave in my Will to the Poore of Halsted I would have distributed as follows
To An Smith Ten Shillings To old XXXX XXX Ten Shillings
To Will Hunts Wife ffive shillings To Ouldxxx ten shillings
To Heath the Lambe man Ten shillings
To Goody XXXX five shillings
and the other ffive poun I desire may buy Bibles to be given to the poor Children in the parish
To young Goodwife XXX Ten Shilllings
To old Goodwife Holding Ten Shillings
To the Widdow Chandler ffive shillings
To the Widdow Xian Martin Ten shillings
I give to my Grandson M:r Edward Ashe Six Silver Plates the peicework Chafing dish with the silver Basen when its used with the XXXX or ffxxxx and a Coppercone for Cakes and my Two Salvers
I give to little M:rs Johney One Hundred pounds.
July 15. 95