MRP: Daniell Williams will
Daniell Williams will
PROB 11/175 Goare 119 - 168 Will of Daniel Williams, Merchant of Saint Helen Bishopsgate, City of London 22 December 1637
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30/11/11, CSG: Created page and posted completed transcription
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Daniel Williams was a London merchant, who was dwelling in the parish of St Helen the great at the time of writing his willin 163X. In his will he left bequests to four London parishes: "the parish of S:t Stephen Colemanstreet where I was born S:t Peeters the poore where I lived an apprentice S:t Andrews Undershaft and S:t Hellen."
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IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN, the sixteenth daie of December 1636 And in the twelfe yeare of the raigne of our Soveraigne Lord Charles by the grace of God King of England Scotland ffrance and Ireland Defender of the faith I Daniell Williams of London merchant being in health of bodie and of good and perfect minde and memorie, thanks be therefore given to Almightie God yet calling to minde the uncertaine estate of this life and how certaine we are wee are to die and yet the tyme of our death most uncertaine I being therefore mindfull and desirous in this my tyme of of health to settle and dispose of such things as God of his infinite goodness hath given and lent unto me in this worlde doe now revoke ?disannull and disalow all former wills and testaments by me made at any tyme before then sealing of their presents. And doe make this to be mine only last will and testament as followeth wherein I doe first bequeath and yield my Soule into the hands of the most holy and blessed Trinitie in unities that gave it and my Bodie to the earth to be decently buried in the parrish church wherein I am or shalbe parishioner at the tyme of my decease hopeing by and through the merrits death and passion of my only Saviour and redeemer Jesus Christ and by noe other means to have full remission of all my sinnes and to see the Lord in the Land of the liveing
And as touching the disposicon of such psonall estate as it hath pleased God to blesse mee w:th all in this life I will give and dispose the same as followeth
ffirst my will and minde is that all and every such debts and sommes of money whatsoever as I shall truly owe at the tyme of my decease to any person or persons shalbe payed within as short tyme after my decease as conveniently maye be And the debts by mee oweing and my funerall expenses being satisfied and deducted my will and minde as that all the residue of my goods and chattles plates wares creddits and housshoukdstuffe shalbe in differently praised by honest and indifferent men And after sure appraisement made shall according to the laudable custome of the Cittie of London be devided into three equall parts one equall full third part thereof I give unto my loveing wife Martha Williams, and one other equall third part
thereof I give and bequeath unto and amongst all my children w:ch shalbe living at the tyme of my decease to be equally parted and devided amongst them part and part like to be payed and delivered unto them severally that is to saie to my sonnes at their severall and respective ages of one and twentie yeares and to my daughter at her age of one and twentie yeares or daye of marriage w:ch first shall happen And my will and meaneing is that yf any of my children shall die or decease out of this world before sure tyme as the part or porccon of him her or them soe deceaseing shalbe due and payable as aforesaid That then the part and protion of him her and them soe deceaseing shalbe equally devided amongst the others of them surviveing part and part alike to be payed them with their owne portions as aforesayd
And the other third part thereof reserved to my self I will give and dispose as followeth
ffirst I give and bequeath unto the said Martha my wife one hundred pounds to buy a cupbord of plate and alsoe all her childbed lynnen and the use and ?houlding of my now dwelling house in the parrish of St Helen the great in London dureing soe long of the continuance of the terms therein yet to come and unexpired as shee shalbe and remaine a widdowe and unmarried she payeing therefore yearly to the company of merchantaylors the yearly rent reserved unto them for the same and keeping the same in good and sufficient reparacons And my will and meaneing is that after the goods and household stuffe are appraised shee shall or maye have the residuall thereof Before any other
ITEM I will and appoint that there shalbe payed unto my sonne John Williams out of my estate as a debt by me oweing the somme of two hundred and thirtie pounds six shillings and two pence w:ch is accrued or due to him in the right of his mother, out of the estate of his Grandfather William Robinson deceased, and alsoe all such plate as was given unto him by his Godfathers and Godmother
ITEM I give and bequeath unto the said John Williams my sonne the somme of one thousand nyne hundred four score and eight pounds and eight shillings
ITEM i will and appoint that there shalbe likewise payed unto my sonne William Williams out of my estate as a debt by me oweing the somme of two hundred and thirtie pounds six shillings and two pence w:ch is accrued or due unto him out of thestate of the said William Robinson his Grandfather as aforesaid and likewise such plate as was given unto him by his Godfather and Godmother
ITEM I give and bequeath unto my said sonne william Williams three hundred fourscore and eight pounds and wight shillings
ITEM I give and bequeath to my sonne Thomas Williams two hundred and twentie pounds fourteene shillings and two pence And I will that the said Thomas shall have delivered to him such plate as was given unto him by his Godfathers and Godmother
ITEM I give and bequeath unto my daughter ??Aimye Williams one hundred and thirtie pounds fourteene shillings and two pence over and above the plate given unto her at her christening
ITEM I give and bequeath unto the childe wherewith my wife shall or maye be conceaved at the tyme of my decease thirtie pounds fourteene shillings and two pence over and above the childs part aforesaid
ITEM I give and bequeath fyve hundred pounds to be disposed for and in such charitable uses as hereafter is menconned that is to say fortie and fyve pounds towards the repaire of the Church of S:t Pauls in London w:cj with fyve pounds I have I have engaged myself to paye in fyve yeares amounteth to the somme of fyftie pounds
ITEM I give and bequeath one hundred pounds to tenn Ministers Preachers of the word of God vizt tenn pounds a peece as followeth that is to saie To Richard Hold?siver Josias Shute M:r Mason Joshua ?ffirth M:r Bourne Viccar of Hallingdon M:r Browne M:r Johnes of XXXXXX in the countie of Northton Edward Collyer my brother in law and so such others as in the discretion of my executors shalbe thought fitting
ITEM I give and bequeath fyfty pounds to be distributed unto and amongst such poore housekeepers whose wants make
them labour hard to get a poore liveing dwelling and Inhabitants in the parish of S:t Stephen Colemanstreet where I was born S:t Peeters the poore where I lived an apprentice S:t Andrews Undershaft and S:t Hellen according as my executors in their good discretion shall by advive and informacon of the Churchwardens and Overseers for the poore of the said sewall parishes thinke fitt to bestowe the same And I give and bequeath towards the releife of the poore harboured in Christshospitall twenty pounds and towards the releife of the poore prisoners in Newgate Ludgate the two Compters in Woodstreete and Poultrie to everyone of those prisons fyve pounds a peece And to the poore prisoners in the White Lyon Marshalsea Kings Bench and ?Counter in Southwarke tenn pounds amongst them by such proporcons as need shall ?require in the good discretion of my executors
ITEM I give and bequeath the somme of fyfftie pounds to be distributed by my executors at their good discretions to tenn poore Widdowes mothers of children liveing that were the wyves of ministers or preachers of the word of God within the Cittie of London and not findeing themwithin the Cittie then to any other the like without the Cittie or in the Countrie at them XXXXX
Possible primary sources
PROB 11/175 Goare 119 - 168 Will of Daniel Williams, Merchant of Saint Helen Bishopsgate, City of London 22 December 1637