MRP: Dame Rebecca Vincent
Dame Rebecca Vincent
PROB 11/337/217 Will of Dame Rebecca Vincent, Widow of London, 26 September 1671
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See Sir William Vincent will (Deceased husband of Dame Rebecca Vincent)
See Judith Chambers will (Mother of Dame Rebecca Vincent)
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IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN This Seaventh yeare of the raigne of our Soveraigne Lord Charles the second by the Grace of God of England Scotland ffrance and Ireland King defender of the faith xr I dame Rebecca Vincent of London widow the relicte of Sir William Vinent late of London kn:t., my late husband deceased being at this present weake of body but of a sound and perfect and disposing mynd and memory Thanks be therefore given to Almighty God, And to prevent all disturbances and confusions that may any ways happen, or arise amongst my children or relacon after my decease doe now revoke annull and make voyd all former wills and Testaments by me made made at any tyme before the date of their presents And doe make and declare this to be my only last will and testament Wherein
FIRST and principally I commend my soule unto Almighty God my Creator; Trusting and stedfastly beeleeving by and through the merritts death and passion of my only Saviour and Redeemer Jesus Christ, To have full remission of all my sinnes And to einioy life everlasting And my body I committ to the earth from whence it came to bee decently interred at the discreccon of my Executors in the parish Church of Saint Martins Outwich in the Citty of London in the same vault where my late deare mother M:rs Judith Chambers is buried, and my desire is that my Executors take care as soone as convenienently may bee after my decease to have a stone laid upon the said Vaulte with my said dead mothers and my owne names engraven thereon
And as touching such estate as it hath pleased Almighty God to XX bestow upom mee in theis present world I give devise bequeath and dispose of the same in manner folloing Tht is to say
IMPRIMIS I give and bequeath into the poore of the said parish of Saint Martins Outwich the somme of Tenne pounds to be distributed in such manner as shalbe thought fitt by the major parte of the Vestrie of the said Parish
ITEM I give and bequeath unto my daughter Rebecca Vincent the somme of five hundred pounds of lawfull English money,
ITEM I give and bequeath unto my sonne George Vincent All that messuage or Tenement with the apprutenances situate and being in the said Parish of Saint Martins Outwich now in the occupacon of Robert ?Deaves or his assignes And all my estate right Tythe interest and Terme of Yeares to come of in or to the same To have and to hold the said messuage or Tenement
unto my said sonne Heorge his executors administrators and assignes from & Immediatly after my decease for and during all the terme of yeares as shalbee then to come and uneypired, granted by a certain Lease made thereof to my said late husband by the Company of merchantaylors in the Citty of London
ITEM I give and bequeath into my said sonne George the somme of Two hundred pounds of lawfull English money which I will shalbe placed out at interest by my executors upon such security as they shall thinke fitt for the benefitt of the said George or imployed for or towards the putting him out to be an apprentice, or to some ingenious pfession or imployment as my executors shall thinke fitt
ITEM I give and bequeath into my daughters Anne Vincent and Judith Vincent equally parte and share a like the Legacie and somme of Two hundred pounds given unto me by my late kinsman Sir John Langham
ITEM I give and bequeath into my said daughter Anne and Judith Vincent to each of them the somme of three hundred pounds a peice of lawfull English money to bee respectively paid them when they shall respectively attayne their respective ages of eighteene yeares or be married First happening And in the meane tyme shalbe by my executors placed out at interest for their benefitts respectively
ITEM I give and bequeath unto my very loving Cousin M:r Thomas Langham Apothecary the somme of one hundred pounds which I desire him to accept for an acknowledgement of his kindness and the care and payne to be taken by him in the execution of this my will and management of my estate
ITEM I give and bequeath unto my sonne Charles Vincent the somme of two hundred pounds
ITEM I give and bequeath unto my old freind M:rs Mary King the somme of fiftie pounds
ITEM I give and bequeath unto my very good freinds Sir James Langham and Stephen Langham Esquire to each of them the somme of Tenne pounds to buy each of them a ring to weare in remembrance of mee
ITEM I give and bequeath into M:rs Elizabeth Waters the somme of five pounds, To my Aunte M:rs Sarah Ferrers the somme of Twenty pounds And to my uncle George Rainton & his wife the somme of Tenne pounds a piece
ITEM I give and bequeath unto Doctor Smallwood Minister of the parish of Saint Martins Outwich the somme of five pounds to buy him a ring
ITEM I give and bequeath unto Doctor Tillotson (whome I desire to preach my funerall sermon) for his paynes and as a remembrance of my XXX and respects to him the somme of five pounds
ITEM I give and bequeath unto M:r Arthir Hollingsworth Twenty shillings to buy him a ring And unto my mayd servant XXXX Collins in requitall of her good service the somme of twenty pounds And unto my maid servant Elizabeth Gibbons the somme of Tenne pounds to buy them moruning to weare at my funerall unto my footboy James ?Lote the somme of tenne pounds to place him out to be an apprentice & forty shillings to buy him clothes Unto M:rs B?ethin Ball the summe of five pounds And To my maidservant Sarah ?Kertley five pounds
ITEM I give and bequeath unto my loving freing Richard ?Godeswell esquire the somme of Tenne pounds to buy him a ring to weare in remembrance of mee To my Cousin M:rs Mary Cole the somme of five pounds To my Cousin William ?Beale the somme of five pounds To my Cousins Elizabeth Beale Joane ?Eind and Thomas Cowley forty shillings a peece To good wife Watkins my washer woman forty shillings And to my sonne George ?his XXXX ?Jeavel Auger the summe of five pounds
ITEM I give and bequeath into my said sonne George
my best great Lockett of dyamonds , Twenty peaces of broad Gould my playne Gould watch, a square Table dyamond That was my brother William Ferreres And my carved guilt Flaggon
ITEM I give and bequeath unto my sonne Charles my best rose dyamond ring sett with five rose dyamonds and Two trencher plates w:th my armes engraven thereon And two small plaine silver Tankards
ITEM I givea and bequeath unto my said daughter Rebeccah my necklace of Pearls my Purple Cloth bedd with all the bedding & furniture theeunto belonging, My great dyamond ring that was my mothers and my silver Braslett
ITEM I give and bequeath into my daughter Anne the Grasse greene Taffety Bedd with the quilt and velvet chaires and all the bedding and furniture thereunto belonging my East India Cabbinett my small dyamond Lockett and my enamelled watch in gold and my silver Chafingdish
ITEM I give and bequeath into my daughter Juidth the blew wrought bed with all the bedding and furniture thereunto belonging, the Cabbinett which was my mothers the greate Looking glasse my hoop ring sett round with dyamonds my dyamond Seale my small Ruby ring with two dyamonds on each side my Pearle Braceletts sett with blew ?stones And my old Sillibub pott
ITEM I give and bequeath into my said daughters Rebecca and Anne the other two biggest Looking lasses
ITEM I give and bequeath into and amongst my said three daughters Rebecca Anne and Judith all my lynnen equally to be divided and shared betweene them alike
ITEM I give & bequeath unto my said daughter Rebecca All my small things as simple rings Bodkins little harts and such like
ITEM I give and bequeath unto my Cousin Rebecca Langham my spanish perfumeing ?poll And to my Cousin Elianor Langham wife of the said Thomas my two Porringers upon both which my Coate of Armes are engraved
ITEM I give and bequeath into my Cousin Doctor William Langham somme of five pounds To M:rs Rebecca Ball the somme of five pounds To my Aunte Clarke my silver sugar box whereon my coate of Armes is engraved And To my daughter Judith my ring sett w:th dyamonds That is made after the fashion of a hart
ITEM I give and bequeath into my said five children Charles George Rebecca Anne and Judith Vincent all the rest and residue of my goods Chattells ready money bonds bills Specialtyes securities for moneyes and all lands Tenem:ts and hereditaments to me mortgaged or ingaged to me for security of moneyes Chattells reall debts to me oweing And personall estate whatsoever after my debts which are but few funerall Charges & Legacies paid and satisffied to be equally divided betweene my said five children parte and share a like And in equall proporcons And I doe hereby constitute and appointe my said daughter Rebecca Vincent and my said Cousin Thomas Langham executors of this my will desireing and willing them to execute the same in all things according to my will and meaning herein of which I doe noe wayes doubt Provided Alwayes That if after my decease my said sonne Charles his executors or assignes doe not and shall not within the space of Two monethes next after request to him or them made by my said sonne George or my executors, well and sufficiently assigned transferre
And release unto my said sonne George his executors administrators or assignes, Or unto such person or persons as he or they or any executors shall nominate and appointe the said messuage or Tenement with the appurtenances, And all his and their estate tythe interest terme of yeares to come, clayme and demand whatsoever of in and to the same, That then and in such case my expresse will & regard is And I doe by this my will give and bequeath into my sonne George to his owne propper use and benefitt all abd every the said Legacies sommes of money jewells plate gifts and bequeasts by me hereby given unto my said sonne Charles And all benefitt and advantage to him any wayes comeing or arriseing by this my will And then alsoe I only give unto my said sonne Charles the somme of five shillings and noe more Provided alsoe and my will and meaning is That if by the insolvency of any of the debtors ?To ?my ?owne my estate is credited out at interest or by fayling or falling short of the stock in the East India Company or any otherwise as shall happen that my estate will not hold out and be sufficient to satisfie all the Legacies by mee herein given that then and in such case I doe order and appoynt that such losses shalbe proporconably borne by all my said five children out of their Legacies and sommes of money by me given them and not out of my other Legacies given to my freinds Provided alsoe and my will is That if any person or persons to XXXXX my said estate or any parte thereof is or shalbe credited out shall prove solvent That then my executors or either of them shall not be answerable for the same
ITEM I give devise and bequeath all my messuages lands Tenements and hereditaments whatsoever with theire and every of theire appurtenances scituate alying and being in the??Townes fields or parishes of Northey Ashchurch and Tewkesbury or elsewhere in the county of Gloucester unto my said sonne Charles Vincent and his assignes for and during the terme of his naturall life with power to the said Charles by writeing Indented sealed and delivered in the presence of three or more credible witnesses bwfore his marriage to lymitt appoint and settle the same unto and upon any such woman or women as hee shall marry for her or thwir life or lyves respectively for or in parte of her or their Joynture or Joyntures And from and after his decease and the decease of such wife or wives Then I give and devise the same and every part thereof unto the firstsonne of the body of the said Charles Vincent lawfully to bee begotten And to the heires males of the body of such first sonne lawfully issueing And for default of such issue I give and devise the same unto the second sonne of the body of my said sonnes Charles lawfully to be begotten and to the heires male of the body of such second sonne lawfully issueing And for default of such issue Then I give and devise the same unto all every other sonne and sonnes of the Body of the said Charles lawfully to bee begotten severally and successively one after another as they shalbe in seniority of age and Priority of Birth and to the heires males of such other sonne & sonnes lawfully issueing the eldestof such sonnes And the heires males of his body lawfully issueing living alwayes preferred before the younger of such sonnes and the heires males of theri Bodyes issueing And for deafult of such issue Then I give devise & bequeath all the said Messuage Lands Tenements hereditaments & premisses
unto my sonne George Vincent and the heires males of his body lawfully to bee begotten And for default of such issue then I give and devise the same premisses unto my daughters Rebecca Anne and Judith Vincent their heires and assignes forever And I doe hereby revoake and make voyd all former wills and Testaments by me made at any tyme before the date hereof And doe declare this my will comprized and written in the six preceeding sheets of paper and this part of a sheete to be my only last will and Testament
IN WITNES whereof at the bottom of all the said six sheets and to theis parte of a sheet I the said dame Rebeccah Vincent have subscribed my names And at the toppe of the first sheete where all are affixed together And at the bottomw of this sheete have sett my seale dated the day and yeare first above written
Signed Sealed published declared and delivered by the said dame Rebecca Vincent (the Testatrix as and for her only last will and testament in the presence of Thomas XXXXX Robert ?Deaves Francis Thornton servant to Thomas Br?omm Scr.
PROBATUM fuit Testamentum suprascriptum apud dei ExecXXXX situat in le Strand in Comitata Midds coram venerabili et egregio vero domino Leolino Jenkins milita et legime doctore Civiie Prarogative viresimo septimo die mensis septembris Anno domini Millima sepcentesimo Septuagesimo prmo Juramentis Rebecca Vincent et Thoma Langham Exectorum XXX XXXX Testamento nominate Quibus commissa fuit Administraco omnium et singulorum bonorum Jurium et XXX dictorum dicta defXXXX de bene et fidelo adXXXX Strand eadem ad Sancta dei Evangelia Jurat Exr.