MRP: 9th October 1654, Letter from Mr. Charles Longland to secretary Thurloe

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9th October 1654, Letter from Mr. Charles Longland to secretary Thurloe

Source: Vol. xviii. p. 438.[1]

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20/12/11, CSG: Created page & posted letter

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Assorted letters of Charles Longland, Livorno (Various)


Honoured Sir,

I dout my frequent wryting you may prov troublesom, especially having nothing of import to acquaint you with. However I shal not omit my duty therin, in regard your commands hay not bin taken off. Capt. Harris from Tollon wil giv you better advys, what the French fleet does, then I can hence; yet you shal hav what I here. Two dayes since arrived a small fisher-boat from Marseilles past by Tollon the 5th currant, reports, the fleet was then coming out of Tollon to the number of twenty ships, as many barks, and seven gallyes, all ful of soldiers; and that he past in the midst of them. The French here report, they were to go to the yles of . . . a good harbour, som six legues from Tollon, wher they wer to attend another squadron from the West, under the command of the admiral of Fraunce, who is to command al the fleet, and the duke of Guis the land soldiers. 'Tis believed they will go for Puglia, which is the other side of the kingdom of Naples in the gulf of Venis, wher, it is sayd, ar many discontented piple. A Spanish galley arrived here this week in ten dayes from Barcelona, with dispatches for Millan, this place, and Naples. In Cattalonia ar ten good Spanish ships wel appointed, and two galleys. They expect ther other ten ships from Barcelona; so they wil be of a considerable strength to meet the French, if they should go that way. Here is no more of the Genowes, as if they had no breach with the Spaniard. The pope is recovered. I am, Honoured Sir,

Legh. 9. October, 1654. [N. S.]

Your most faithful servant,
Charles Longland.

Sir, if you would now-and-then, amidst your great affaires, affourd your servant a lyn or two, it would much obliege and incourage me in your service.
  1. Thomas Birch (ed.), 'State Papers, 1654: September (5 of 5)', A collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, vol. 2: 1654 (London, 1742), pp. 631-642. URL: Date accessed: 20 December 2011