HCA 3/47 f.38v Annotate
Volume | HCA 3/47 |
Folio | 38 |
Side | Verso |
| |
Status | |
Uploaded image; transcribed on 23/03/2013 | |
Note | |
First transcriber | |
Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2013/03/23 | |
Editorial history | |
Edited on 02/05/2015 by Colin Greenstreet |
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and assigned to receave information therein any time after
Michaelmas day next notice thereof being given to Mr Smith
the said proctors on both sides acceptinge the same
soe farre forth etcetera and otherwise dissentinge etcetera./
ffrederick and others against hughes}
Budd Smith}
The like./
Gilbert keate and Thomas Jennings}
against Alderman John}
ffredericke Chowne and others}
Smith Budd}
Which day the said Smith
exsuperabundanti exhibited his
proxy for the said keate
and Jennings and the said
Budd exhibited his proxy for the said
Alderman ffredericke Chowne and
others and the said Smith with the consent
of the said Budd did repeat the allegation by
him formerly given and admitted in this Court on the
behalfe of the said keate and Jennings against the said
Alderman ffredericke and others and remaininge in
the Registry of this Court which the Judges with
the consent of the said Smith did admit soe
farr as the same is by lawe admissible which said
allegation beinge soe admitted and repeated and the
said Budd not beleevinge the same to bee true the
said Smith for the proofe of the same did exhibite
all and singular the acts Allegations proofes and
exhibites and the whole processe as well in this cause
made betweene the said parties as alsoe in the
cause depending in this Courte in the name of
the said Alderman ffredericke and others against
the said keate and Jennings and in the cause
depending in this Court in the name of the said
Alderman ffredericke and others against George
hughes which hee desired to bee admitted and justice
etcetera the said Budd acceptinge the same soe farr
forth as they make for his Clients and not otherwise
and for his parte alsoe exhibitinge all the
proceedinges had and made in all the said
causes soe farre forth as they make for his Clients
and not otherwise Whereupon the Judges with
the consent of the proctors on both sides did
admitt all the said proceedings soe by them
exhibited as aforeasid soe farre as the same are
by lawe admissible and assigned this causes to
sentence presently and to the same againe
presently and did conclude this cause and did
assigne to receave Information therein any
time after Michaelmas Day next notice
thereof beinge given to Mr Smith the
said Proctors acceptinge of the same soe
farr forth as {it} makes for their respective
Clyents and otherwise dissentinge etcetera