HCA 3/47 f.37r Annotate

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HCA 3/47 f.37r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


George Gray ffrances Scot William}
Rowland James [?Obord] and Henry}
Senbrea late marriners of the shipp}
the Seaflower against John Swan}
one of the said shippe Clements}

Which day appeared the proctors
and Councell on both sides
and the Judges having heard the
answers of the said Swan made
in this cause read and the
whole matter beinge argued and
debated did order and decree the
said Swan to pay and satisfy unto the
said ffrancis Scott William Rowland
James Obord and henry Seabrea their
respective monthly wages for their service in the
said shippe the voyage in question accordinge to the
respective rates mentioned in the schedule hereunder
written from the 26th day of June 1655 untill the
30th day of the month of August then next followinge
at which time the said shipp was imbargued by the
King of Spaine and to the said George Gray
his monthly wage schedulated for the time
aforesaid XX together with halfe pay for Twoe
monthes which the said Gray continued aboard
the said shipp the Seaflower after the time of
her said embargue and monished the said Swan to
pay the said wages accordingly by Satterday next./.

The schedule etcetera [CENTRE HEADING]

William Rowland 38 s a month
James Oberd 38 s a month
George Gray 33 s a month
Henry Seabrea 32 s a month
ffrancis Scott 55 s a month

Christopher Cooper and Company}
owners of the vessell called the}
Princesse of hull and Thomas}
Wood owner of the goods in the}
same against the shipp called the}
Samuels Delight and against John}
Breeze and all others et cetera}

ffriday the 27th day of June
1656 before doctor Godolphin
in his chamber etcetera in the
presence of Samuel Howe
Notary publicke Appeared
personally edward Jackson of
the parish of Saint Margarett
Lothbury London merchant
and Nicholas Jackson of the parish
of Saint Antholins London merchant whoe
submittinge themselves etcetera obliged themselves
etcetera for the said Cooper and Company and
Wood in the summe of thirty pounds of lawfull
money of England to the said John Breeze to
prosecute the action in this behalfe commenced
against the said vessell called the Samuels
Delight and against the said Breeze and to pay the
exoences of suite in case the said Cooper and
Company and Wood shalbee overthrowne and to
bring forth the parties in judgement And unles etcetera
Which caution the Judge receaved./
