HCA 3/47 f.34v Annotate
Volume | HCA 3/47 |
Folio | 34 |
Side | Verso |
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Uploaded image; transcribed on 23/03/2013 | |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2013/03/23 | |
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Edited on 02/05/2015 by Colin Greenstreet |
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answeare and prayed him to bee pronounced contumacious
the said ffrancklin dissentinge Whereupon the Judges
did pronounce the said ffarington Contumacious and
receaved his paine untill this day sennight
Thomas huggins against the}
shippe called the hopewell}
whereof John harris is Master and}
her tackle and ffurniture and}
against the said Harris and all}
etcetera Smith}
The first Default is granted
and the certificate is continued
to this Daye Which day
open preconization being
made for all in this behalfe
cited and noe bodie appearinge
the Judges att Smiths petition
acessinge their contumacie pronounced
them contumacious and in paine et cetera to have
fallen into the second Default and did
Continue the Certificate in the same
state that nowe it is untill this day sonnight in
the morninge./
ffrancis Rainsbrough against the}
shipp called the Willinge}
Mind whereof Robert}
Peirson was Master and against}
the sad Robert Peirson and}
Company comming in for}
their interest therein Suckley}
Mr Suckleys Clients are to
give baile before this Day
Christopher Cooper and}
Company Master and Owners}
of the shippe called the}
Primrose of hull and of}
Thomas Wood Owner of}
the goods in the same against}
the shippe called the Samuels}
Delight whereof John Breeze}
is Master and against the said}
John Breeze and Company}
coming in for their interest}
therein and against all etcetera}
Smith ffrancklin}
John Breeze and Company are to
appeare lawfully this Daye./.
Captaine Lawson and}
Company against the}
Julian of Brest Budd}
To heare the order of the Court upon
the taxation of the charges at Smiths
Suckleys petition ./. mext day Smith procured
a bill of expences which he desired to be teayed in the pXXXX
Budd dissenting and alleadging that the same ought not by law to be done
but the Judge did tax the said charges at 13.li 6.s 8.d and decreed
Buds clients to be monished to pay the same within 10 daies after monition
or else to be attached./.
Pett against Thompson}
Budd Suckley}
Which day the said Budd desired this cause to
bee assigned to sentence againe in the
presence of the said Suckley dissentinge and
alleadging that one [BLANK IN MANUSCRIPT] Tompson is a
necessary witnes on the behalfe of his Clyent
and that hee is in the service of the State at