HCA 3/47 f.24r Annotate

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HCA 3/47 f.24r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


Crampe and Chamberlaine and}
others against ffarington}
Smith ffrancklin X}
Which day Smith did produce
upon the allegation by him
in this cause given did
produce the said ffarington to
whom the Judges did administer an
oath to speake the truth etcetera and monished
him to give in his answers before the next
Court Day the said ffarrington and ffrancklin
Thomas Huggins against the shipp}
cakked the Hopewell whereof}
John Harris is Master and her}
Tackle and furniture and against the}
said John Harris and all etcetera}
Which day the said Smith
appeared for the said Thomas
Huggins and made himselfe
partie for him and executed the
originall mandate with the
certificate thereon indorsed and
open preconization being made for the
said harris and all others in this
behalfe cited and neither hee nor any
bodie els appearinge the Judge at the
petition of the said Smith accused theire
contumacie pronounced them contumacious and in
paine etcetera to have fallen into the first default and
continued the certificate to the next Court day/
Ash Royner and others against}
Drinkewater Suckley Clements X}
Which day Suckley upon the
allegation formerlie by him
given produced for witnesses
Nathaniel Hutchinson and Nicholas
Goldsborough whom the Judges at his petition
did receave and gave them their oathes to
speake the truth at the time of their examinations
in the presence of Clemets dissentinge and havinge
for Interrogatories the usuall time etcetera/ Then the
said Suckley ex supera<help>b</help>undanti desired a monition
against the said Drinkewater to appeare the third
day after if etcetera to give in his answeare upon his oath
and the Judges decreed the same the said
Clements dissentinge./
[SEE: HCA 13/71 f.264r, f.264v; Case: Ash and others against Drinkewater: Deposition: 1. Nathaniel Hutchinson of the parish of Saint Olaves in Southwarke Mariner, aged 57 yeares; Date: 25/06/1656]
[SEE: HCA 13/71 f.264v; Case: Ash and others against Drinkewater: Deposition: 2. Nicholas Goldsborow of Wapping Mariner, aged 43 yeares (Signature of "Nicholas Goldsbrough" at end of deposition) ; Date: 25/06/1656]
George Sh<help>ur</help>t against the Done and}
against John Sandford Cheeke}
Which day Cheeke executed his
proxy for the said George
Shurt and made himselfe partie
for the said John Sandford Then Cheeke
gave in a libell in writinge which hee prayed
to bee admitted and Justice etcetera the said Budd
dissentinge But the Judges at Cheekes petition did
admitt the said libell soe farre forth etcetera Then Cheeke
repeated the said libell and desiringe an answere
to bee given thereunto by Budd, the said Budd
answearing and not beleevinge the same Whereupon
the Judges did decree for the partie principalls
answeares the twelvth day after if etcetera and assigned
Cheeke to prove the said libell the third Court day
from hence Budd dissentinge then Cheeke alleadged