HCA 3/46 f.7r Annotate
Volume | HCA 3/46 |
Folio | 7 |
Side | Recto |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2015/04/24 |
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Chambers against Noseworthy and Peirce}
Smith dyer}
Which day before all the Judges in
the dyning chamber et cetera in the presence
of Sam: howe Notary publique
Appeared the proctors on both sides and
the said dyer porrected a sentence diffinitive
in writinge which the Judges did read give and
promulgate and did pronounce condemne absolve and
doe in all things as in the same is contayned in the
presence of the said Smith saving the [?reverence] due to the
Judges appealinge from the said sentence to the Lord
Protector et cetera in the high Court of Chancery and desiringe
Apostles et cetera whom the Judges at the petition of the said dyer
assigned to prosecute his said Appeale and to certifie upon the
prosecution his said appeale under the great Seals of England the
first Session of Easter tearme next./.
Noseworthy and Peirce against Chambers}
dyer Smith}
The like
A busines of examination of witnesses on the}
behalfe of Gilbert Keate and company against}
one 16th parte of the shipp the hanniball}
belonging to Timothy Shorey and against}
the said Shorey and all others et cetera Smith}
Which day the Judges at the petition
of the said Smith did continue the
certificate in the same state that now it is
untill Tomorrow in the afternoone
A busines of examination of witnesses on the}
behalfe of William Bennett against one 16th}
parte of the Royall defence belonging to}
Samuell Mavericke and against the said}
Mavericke and all others et cetera Smith}
The like./.
Robert Taylor against the shippe the ffrancis}
whereof ffrancis Seely is master and against}
the said Seely and all othes et cetera Smith}
Tuesday the fourteenth of March 1653
before doctor Clerke and Charles George
Cocke Esquire Judges et cetera in doctor Clerks
chamber et cetera in the presence of Sam howe
Notary publique Appeared personally John
higham and alleadged that the said shipp doth
belonge unto him and produced for sureties James
Goddin of Magnes parish London merchant and
Stephen Warrmer of Allhallowes Barking [?marchant]
who submitting themselves et cetera obliged themselves et cetera for
the said John higham and ffrancis Seely and to pay
what the said higham and Seely shalbe condemned in with
expences of suite in case they shalbe overthrowne and to bringe
forth the said parties in Judgement whensoever their presence shalbe
required. And the said higham obliged himselfe et cetera in the same
summe and to the same effect, and to save his said sureties harmeles.
And unles et cetera which caution the Judges receaved and decreed the
said shipp and the said Seely to be released from the arrest./.