HCA 3/46 f.2v Annotate
Volume | HCA 3/46 |
Folio | 2 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2015/04/23 |
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Bombeleere against Snelgrave and}
Silver Suckley}
Which day appeared the said Snelgrave and
to what was objected against him by the
said Suckley did confesse that he did receive
out of [?Whinchester] house nine bundles of
Conny skinns each bundle consistinge of the number
of ffifty and alsoe one peece of white kersies a
great parte whereof being almost halfe moatheaten
he was forced to cutt off for the preservation of the rest
Then the Judges at Suckleys petition did decree an attachment
against Silver in not appeareinge et cetera./.
Jennings against homer}
Baker Smith}
Wednesday the 8th day of March 1653 before all the
Judges et cetera in the dyninge chamber et cetera in the presence of
Sam: how notary publique Appeared the said Smith and
gave an allegation in writinge which the Judges admitted soe
farre as the same ought by lawe to be admitted which said
allegation being soe admitted and repeated and the said Baker
not beleevinge the same to be true The Judges did deceree for
the party principall the third day after if et cetera Then the said
Smith upon the said allegation produced for witnesses Robert James
Phillipe Wills and John Grey whom the Judges receaved and
administyred an oath unto them to speake the truth at the time of their
examination in the presence of [?Baker] dissentinge and havinge the
usuall time for Interrogatories.
Richard James against the shippe}
formerly called the Hopewell of London}
but now called the ffortune whereof John}
Rowe alias Roose was Master belonginge to the}
said James and against all et cetera [?dier]
Which day upon [pronehation] beinge
made for all in this behalfe cited
and noe body appeareinge The Judges
at the petition of the said dyer
accusinge their contumacy pronounced
them contumacious and in paine et cetera thesaid dyer porrected a primum decretum
which the Judges at his petition in paine et cetera
oath beinge made of the said dyer of the truth
of the contents of the same according to the information
to him given which he beleeveth to be true did admitt
and decree as in the same is contayned Then the said
dyer in paine et cetera porrected a bill of expences in
writinge which the Judges at his petition did tax at
the summe of 5 li and dier made oath of the exposition
A busines of repairinge and settinge to}
Sea of the Scout promoted by William}
drakeford William Standon and company}
owners of 7th 8th parts of the said}
shippe against Ralph Stubbs owners of the}
other eight parte of the said shippe}
Which day the said Suckley exhibited the
originall mandate with the certificate
indorsed which certificate the Judges continued
in the same state that now it is untill
Satterday night./.