HCA 3/46 f.16v Annotate
Volume | HCA 3/46 |
Folio | 16 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2015/04/26 |
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Margetts in the summe of 1216 li of lawfull money of England
to the Lord Protector et cetera to restore 5.16 partes of the said
shipp or to pay the value of the same accordinge to the appraisement
thereof as aforesaid in case anyone shall come in within a
yeare and a day from the time of the admission of the
primum decretum and shall make their interest therein appeare
and shall pay the expences in this behalfe tazed and shall
putt in baele to answeare the action comenced by the said
Margetts against the said parts and to pay what they shalbe
condemned in with expences of suite in case they shalbe
overthrowne And the said Margetts obliged himselfe et cetera in
the same summe and to the same effect and to dave this said
sureties harmeles And unles et cetera Which caution the Judges
receaved and decreed the possession of the said 5.16 parts to the
said Margetts./.
A generall continuation of all causes and}
certificates till to morrow}
Which day the Judges continued all
causes and certificates this day assigned and
continued and all certificates this day to bee
brought in and which are not returned
in the same state that now they are
untill to morrow in the afternoone
A busines of examination of}
witnesses on the behalfe of John}
hallett touching the losse of the}
shipp the Dragon}
Thursday the 23th day of March
1653 before doctor Clerke and doctor
Godolphin and Judges et cetera in the
presence of Sam: howe Notary publique
Appeared the said hallett and upon
the Interrogatories by him administred
produced four witnesses Edward Noseworthy
William Porter henry Gregor and
John Buckle to whom the Judges administred
an oath to speake the truth/.
A busines of examination of}
witnesses on the behalfe of the}
said John hallett and Edward}
Noseworthy touchinge the losse}
of the Greyhound}
The like Saving hallett produced
for witnesses henry Gregor and
John Buckle./.
A busines of examination of witnesses}
on the behalfe of Richard}
Crandley and others touching the}
losse of the May flower and}
ladinge Budd}
Which day the said Budd upon the allegation
by him in this cause given produced for
witnesses Clement East and Thomas
Creswell to whom the Judges
administred an oath to speake the truth
at their examination./.
Chewne ffrederick and others against}
Keate and Jennings Budd Smith}
Which day the Judges at the petition of the
said Budd alleadging that he hath
necessary witnesses in the parts beyon the
Seas for the proofe of the libell by him
in this cause given did decree a Commission for their
examination to be sped at [BLANK IN MANUSCRIPT] from the [BLANK IN MANUSCRIPT]
[BLANK IN MANUSCRIPT] with continuation etcetera
and assigned him to transmitt the same within 3 monthes and at
Smiths petition assigned to heare the order of the Court upon the
condemnation of Budds Clyents in expences the first Court day
of the next tearme./.