HCA 3/46 f.14v Annotate

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HCA 3/46 f.14v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


John Baptista younger against John}
King Suckley}

Which day the said Smith
appeared for the said John Kinge
and made himselfe party for him and
produced for sureties Giles Wiggoner
of Wivenhoe in the County of Essex marriner
and Robert Orton of Limehouse marriner
who submittinge themselves et cetera obliged themselves
for the said John King in the sume of 300 li of
lawfull money of England to the said John Baptista
younker and others to answeare the action commenced against him
by them and to pay what hee shall be condemned in with
expences of suite in case he shalbe overthrowne And the said
King obliged himselfe et cetera in the same sume and to the same
effect and to save his said sureties harmeles And unles et cetera.

Curtes against Cockaine}
Clements Smith}

Wednesday the two and twentith of March
1653 before all the Judges et cetera in the dyninge
chamber et cetera in the presence of Sam: Howe notary
publique The Judges at the petition of the said
Clements did assigne this cause to sentence to morrow in
the afternoone./.

Longscarfe against Garrett}
Clements Suckley}

Which day the Judges upon readinge the
proofes made in this cause and upon consideration
had of the same did condemne the said Garrett in
three monethes and three quarters of a monethes
wages for the service of James Makins deceased at the
rate of 28 s a month.

John Hill Edward Bigg and}
Company owners of the shipp the}
Stamboleene against the goods in the}
said shipp and against Abdy and}
others Budd Suckley}

Which day the said Suckley exhibited
and left in the Registry of this
Courte a list of the goods in the
said shippe belonginge to his Clyents
with the respective markes of the
same and the names of the respective
presons to whom the same doe belonge.

Sparkes against Stafford}
Suckley Allen}

Which day the said Suckley porrected a
sentence diffinitive in writinge which the
Judges at his petition did read give and
promulge and did pronounce decree declare
adjudge condemne and doe in all things as therein
is contained in the presence of Allen dissentinge and
protesting of the greivance continued and of appealinge
et cetera./.

A busines of Contempt promoted}
by ffrancis ffowder against Arnold}
Beake and Elias Beake