HCA 3/46 f.12r Annotate

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HCA 3/46 f.12r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


A busines of examination of witnesses on}
the behalfe of Phillipp noyse and}
company master and owners of the shippe}
the Plough and of some parte of}
her ladinge seized by the Kinge of}
denmarke Clements}

The like./.
The like./.

Wilson and others against Johnson}
Budd Suckley}

To heare the order of the Court upon Suckleys
petition touchinge the [?proXXXX] of the
Cause and in case the same be [?pXXXXed]
to heare sentence at Buuds petition Which day
the Judges at Budds petition continued this cause
in the same state that now it is untill wednesday

Miles Wilson against the shippe the}
Hopefull Adventure of Kinges L[?ynne]}
Richard [?Neslinge] master and against the}
said [?Nesling] Suckely [?Watson]}

Suckely is to give a libell with
sureties this day precisely

John Addys against 200 barrells}
of herringes or whatsoever goods}
aboard the Edward whereof Robert}
Jacobs is master and belonging to}
Robert hammond and against the}
said hammond Suckley}

The certificate is continued to this day
Which day Smith appeared for
the said hammond and Suckely
for the said Addis and made
themselves parties for them respectively
and the Judges at Smiths petition
assigned the said Suckley to give
a livell with sureties the first Court day
of the next Tearme./.

Richard Thomson against one halfe}
parte of the shipp the Love of London}
belonging to John Salmonson and}
against the said Salmonson and}
all others et cetera Baker}

The second default is granted
and the certificate is continued to this
day Which day upon [?preconihation]
being made for the said Salmonson
and all others et cetera and noe body
appearinge the Judges at the petition of
Budd for Baker accusing their [?contumacy] pronounced them
contumacious and in paine et cetera to have fallen
in to the third default and continued the
certificate in the same state that now it is untill
the first Court day of the next tearme./.

A busines of examination of}
witnesses on the behalfe of Keate}
and Jennings against the Genoa}
Merchant Smith}

The certificate is continued to this day
Which day the Judges at Smiths
petition continued the certificate in the
same state that now it is untill
the first Court day of the next
