HCA 13/76 f.85v Annotate

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HCA 13/76 f.85v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


being Swedes and a Lubeck boy there to make up his company hee
departed thence with the said shipp in ballast on or about the seaventh
(new stile) of September last to goe for Saint Martins in ffrance
to lade salt to be caried to Stettin for the accompt of the said
Schaum and other Stettiners, subiects of the said King of
Sweden, and that comming westward of the Nesse hee was with
his said shipp taken by one of his Majesties vessells commannded
by Captaine Buttle (or having some such name) on or about
the 20th (old stile) of the said moneth and brought up into the
downes. And saith his company (with himselfe) consists of
nine men and a boy, the men all Swedish subiects, only the
Stiersman is a hollander borne, but hath lived [?two] yeares
at Stettin with his wife and children, his name John Peterson
as hee taketh it. And the boy is a Lubecker, And that hee
had only a Swedish flagg aboard./ Et alr non deponit, saving
that upon his comming to Amsterdam to fetch the said shipp hee
called her the Queene of Sweden, which name was given her
before in Pomerland, and his passe dispatched thence under that



The 26th of October 1666/ [CENTRE HEADING]

Touching the ship the Esperamza}
[?Sorne] Tourson Master}


Peter Rich, of London
Dealemerchant, aged 36 yeeres or thereabouts
being sworne before the right worshipfull
Leolin Jenkins Doctor of Lawes Judge of the high
Court of Admiralty of England
saith and deposeth by vertue of his oath as
followeth videlicet./.

That hee well knoweth the ship the Esperansa ([?Sorne]
Tourson Master) now lying at Hull, and hath soe knowne
her for about three yeeres last, and came
to knowe her by her being about 3 yeeres since consigned
to him this deponent by one Mr Thomas Russell who was
then halfe part owner of her and at that time hee the said
Thomas Russell (by consent of Daniel [?RuoXXe] the other halfe
part owner) gave this deponent order to sell her for their account
and to make thenm returne of the proceed thereof, but
this deponent not being able to get soe much for her as hee
had order to sell her for, hee did not sell her, and hee the
said Thomas Russell hath ever since continued and still
is undoubtedly the halfe part owner of her, and this hee
is the better assured of, for that this deponen this last summer
wrote to the said Thomas Russell to send the said ship
consigned to this deponent which hee promised upon his adventure to doe but after
wards wrote an excuse Declaring alsoe that hee had
met with one to wit Mr Jonathan Smith Servant to Mr Thomas