HCA 13/76 f.72v Annotate

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HCA 13/76 f.72v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window



Ad 2um rendet That the sayd ship is of the burthen of about fourty lasts and shee is
now laden with Iron with steele and Deales the particular quantityes hee cannot
without booke declare, but referreth himselfe to his papers [?which] ladeing was taken [?XXX]
at Stockholme, and was laden by one Abraham Cock a Swede living at Stockholme
and the same is consigned and was to be delivered to James Burtin and Joos Everson merchants of
London whether in truth hee sayeth the sayd ship was bound although the Cocket
was made for ffrance which was done, that the Danes might lett them oasse the
Sound, and saith that the sayd Abraham Cock freighted him for the sayd voyage
but the sayd Burtinn and Everson were to pay him the freight, [?And] saith that
hee beleeveth that the sayd Burtin and Everson are the Owners of the sayd lading Et alr nescit