HCA 13/76 f.63v Annotate

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HCA 13/76 f.63v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


17th January 1666 Instave.

ffrisby et Mittam alias Archer con}
Hunt coram navis the Rosebush}

Super allegatione per [?Meum] (Cheeke in jac
Causa Examinat.

dt Cheeke


Thomas Tyll Steward of the shipp the Helverthorn one
of his Majesties shipps and hath soe bin steward of her
ever since the tenthe of June 1665. And was borne in the
parish of Barking in the County of Essex. aged 30 yeers
or thereabouts sworne and examined saith and deposeth as
followeth (videlicet.)

Ad primum arlum dicta allonis super quo solummedo Examinatur ex XXX
Johannes Hungerford fam: M:ri Cheeke deponit et dicit That hee well
knoweth the arlate Everard ffriesby who hee saith was one of the
said Helverthorns Company before hee entred into the service of the ship
or fflyboate called the Rosebush the arlate Hunt Commander. And
saith that the said ffrisby was hired at Portsmouth by the said
Hunt to serve in the said shipp or vesselll the Rosebush, (bound for
the Streights as hee hath understood) as Carpenter of her. And
for such his service in her the said Hunt promised and undertooke
to pay the said ffrisby monthly for his said wages in the said
shipp the summe of three pounds and promised also the time
and place aforesaid to make his wages a great deale
better in the voyage. The premisses hee deposeth and knoweth
to bee true ffor that this deponent at the request of the said
Hunt spoke to the Commander of the said Kings shipp the Helversthorn
(Captaine John Habbert) to discharge the said ffrisby from the service
of the Helversthorn, and was and eye and eare witnesse of the Contract
or hireing of the said ffriesby at Portsmouth. Et alr nescit./.


pd Mr.

Ad primum rendit that he remembreth the said Hunts hiring the said
ffriesby the better ffor that hee this rendent by the said Captaine Hubberts order
made out or discharged the said ffriesby from the said shipp Helerthornes
service, the 14th day of November 1665: And soe it appeareth by the
deponents bookes and cometh at the request of the arlate ffriesbys wife to testify
the truth herein. Alr satisffecit supra. Et nescit

Ad 2 Rendit that hee supposeth the said ffrieby was to doe the service of
a Carpenter in the said shipp the whole voyage. Et alr nescit.

Ad 3 rendit that had not Captaine Hubbert thought that the wages of 3 li per moneth
would much better the said ffriesby he would not have parted with him
And saith that the Helversthorne aforesaid has officers and is numbred and manned as a third rate ffrigott
but being a fflemish shipp, hee knoweth whether their wages will be allowed [?XX]
a third rate ffrigott or not not having bin paid since she was taken from the [?XXX]


Repetit coram M:rs Lani surrogato
unto Edward Browne Notary Publique.