HCA 13/76 f.45r Annotate

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HCA 13/76 f.45r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window




The 27th of October 1666./

Touching the Ship the Orange TreeIsaac Bowles master}
which went under the Convoy of the Nightingale}
ffrigot Captaine Louis Comander.}

Anthony Smith of Poole in the County
of Dorsett Marriner late Boatswaine
of the sayd ship Orange Tree, aged 28 yeares
or thereabouts, and Robert Williams
of the same place marriner late a foremast
man of the sayd ship, aged 26 yeares or thereabouts
being sworne before the right worshipfull Sir Giles Sweit
Knight Doctor of Lawes Surrogate of the right worshipfull Leolin Jenkins
Doctor of Lawes and Judge of his Majesties high Court of
Admiralty of England say and depose by vertue of their
Oathes as followeth

That they came on board the sayd ship Orange Tree (Isaac Bowles master) at
Portsmouth in or about the beginning of January last and thence went
to Plymouth for a Convoy to goe to Limbrick in Ireland to lode pipstaves for his
Majestyes uses, and after six weekes stay at Plymouth the Nightingale frigot
Captaine Long Comander had order from some of his Mahestyes Comanders or Officers
to convoy the sayd ship Orange Tree to the Port of Limbrick aforesayd and to convoy
her thence with her sayd Lading of Pipestaves for his majestyes use to Portsmouth