HCA 13/76 f.44r Annotate

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HCA 13/76 f.44r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


Ad 6um deponit That the said shipp stayd at Mallega attending the departure
of the said Hamborowe Convoy from the 19th or thereabouts of ffebruary last to the 16th of
Aprill last wor thereabouts new stile and saith that the Captaine of the
Ship Jesus Maria Joseph Saint Andrew and this deponent severall times at Mallega
went on board the said Convoy and the Commander of the said Hamborow Convoy
was very civill to them, and lent them a Compasse which they were to restore
to him at Hamborowe, And saith that from Mallega the
ship went away with the said Hamborow Convoy
and also the Ostend Convoy to Cadiz in Spaine and there they left the said Ostend
Convoy and the said ship came with the said Hamborowe Convoy to the
cape finis terra and there the Hamborow Convoy sailed away to foe the
North passage but the Captaine of the said ship Jesus Maria Joseph Saint Andrewe
understanding that that was two hundred Dutch miles out of his way and
in regard hee was not hired to goe that way and for that hee conceived himselfe
free from the Turkes which were his only enimyes, steered to come
through the Channell, And saith that hee did not the time aforesaid heare
that Sir Jeremy Smith or the English ffleete were at or neere any place
where the said ship was. et alr nescit./.

Ad 7um deponit That Gaudia is about a hundred leagues or Dutch
miles from Mallega And saith that
the foresaid Henry Grot[?buisen] is a Hamburgher and there hath
a wife and Children as hee and others have affirmed to this deponent and as this
deponent doth verily beleeve and saith that hee this deponent (who is the club
or splayfooted Pilott or [?Merchant]) is of Allicant and there hath lived with
his wife and children for these three yeeres and a halfe last and before that
went up and downe to sea and before lived a yeere and halfe more
at Allicant, and was borne in Frederickstadt under the Duke of Holsteyn
and saith that tis true hee hath bin and resided for a month or two or three in Holland and there marryed his
wife, but never was a subiect of the United Provinces, and soe soone as hee
was marryed hee carryed his wife to Allicant where shee hath ever since
lived and saith that had hee not bin a free person the Zollicoffers
would not have hired him they being careful that noe unfree persons
should come onboard the said ship et alr nescit.

Ad 8um deponit That by reaso0n of the wines so long lying at
Rye abundance of the wine namely about halfe as hee
suposeth is leaked out and that which remaineth is much damnifyed
and soe are the reasins as hee judgeth and hee sawe that severall other goods
to wit Saint Johns [?Xread] and Rosemary leaves were quite spoiled and
most of the goods hee beleeveth are almost spoiled, all occasioned by
long detention by the Captaine that tooke the ship and saith that hee
cannot estimate the said damage not having skill in
the vallue of such merchandizes, but saith that had not the said seizure happened
the same would doubtles have come to a good market et alr nescit

Ad 9um arlum deponit That so soone as the Caper came up
towards the said ship Jesus Maria Joseph Saint Andrrew shee fired a Gun at
her, and then one of her company put up the Genoese flagg and that
being done and in the space that one might have told a hundred after the firing
the first gin the Captaine fired a second and then the said ship and Company of the Jesus Maria Joseph
Saint Andrew imediatlely struck her topsaile and pulled up her mainesaile [?XXX]
the said ship, and did stop her presently and imediatlely submitted to the said Caper and
did not seake or [?intend] to make any resistance whatsoever And saith that