HCA 13/76 f.31v Annotate

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HCA 13/76 f.31v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


weighed Anchor and about one or two of the Clock in the morning fell fowle
and sayled directly upon the said shipp the Comfort then lying at Anchor
as aforesaid, and came athwart the said shipp Comfort, and [?slinting] by
her boltspritt tooke the spritt saile Rigging, and cutt her Cable.
and soe was turned adrift and was forced to lett goe her
sheat Anchor to bring the said shipp Comfort up againe by reason whereof
hee saith the Cable and Anchor of the said shipp Comfort were utterly lost
in the sea. All which dammage hee saith the said Master and Company of the
Seaventure might have prevented had they taken care and looked
about them, and had they let goe Bower Anchor hee
might have brought up his shipp and prevented the dammage. And
saith the Master and Company of the Seaventure knew that the said shipp
Comfort lay directly in the Course which they steered and might of they
would have safely sailed on either side. And saith the Cable
soe lost was a new Cable, and the Anchor as food as could bee lett
from a shipp, and were really worth in his Judgement about fourescore
pounds sterling. And there was some dammage don to the Boltspritt
and riggings Et alr nescit. saving the said Seaventure came with an
Ebb tide and her sprittsaile loose the time aforesaid when she fell fowle
as aforesaid.

Ad 5. 6. 7. et 8 nescit referendo se ad Regrum et af Jura:/.

Ad 9 nunum deponit dictos Emmanuelson Sorrell Militem et Henricum
Robbinson habitare et commoram in Ipswich et subdetos esse hujus
Inclyti Regni Angliram.

Ad 10u dicit predeposita sua esse vera.


Ad primum rendet that the Company of a shipps never beare any dammage
in a Newcastle voyage. refert se ad predepoita. Alr nescit.

Ad 2 rendet that the winds being contrary the arlate shipps the Comfort and Seaventure
with about tenn sailes more. put into Grimsby roade, and there rode at
a single Anchor, and saith that [?Biscom] sand is a dangerous place and knoweth not nor
hath heard that the said shipp SEaventure was ever driven upon the said sands. [?XXXX]
Alr nescit.

Ad 3 rendet that the Comfort did the time Interrogate ride by a single Anchor upon her
sheire in the said Roade of Grimsby but he saith the Seaventure had
roome enough to saile and might have sailed either side or else have cast
out her anchor having time enough before shee fell fowle as aforesaid and
might thereby have prevented the foresaid dammage. And saith that just
before the Hopefull Seaventure fell fowle as aforesaid the Company or some
of them called to the Comfort to veere her Cable which they did as
fast as they could and used all endeavours soe to doe but before they could
doe soe hee saith the said shipp Seaventure was aboard them And [?denyeth]
for his part that there was any outcry as is Interrate And saith
that hee this rendent was on the quarter deck when hee first saw the said
shipp Seaventure who was neere and almost aboard them [?at ?that ?time] And [?at
could not doe any thing else to prevent dammage but by veering their
Cable which they endeavoured but could not effect. Et alr nescit

Ad 4 rendet that the time Interrate there was onely two upon the [?watch] [?the]
rest were in the Cabbins but before she soe fell fowle all the Comforts Company
such sight of the said shipp shee being ready to fall fowle of them they