HCA 13/76 f.287r Annotate

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HCA 13/76 f.287r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


Ad dictum allegaconem deponit et dicit that the arlate John Castens
by letters dated about the beginning of January last advised this deponent
that hee had sent a shipp named the North Pole Melle Moder Master from Amsterdam for Norway
there to lade Deales for the accompts of the arlate John and Arnold Vanderhagen merchants and Inhabitants of Stockholme and therewith
to come for London consigned to this deponent and partner and to bee
by them sold for the accompt and benefitt of the said John and Arnold Vander
hagen. The arrivall of which shipp and lading this deponent and partner
accordingly Expected, and for prevention of her being taken by
Scottish Privateers this deponent procured the Duke of Yorkes passe for
the said shipp which hee caused to bee registred in Scotland for the
greater secuirty of the said shipp and lading against the Scotts. And the
same hee saith was also registred with the Duke of Yorkes Commissioners
for prizes here. But this deponent never sent the said passe on board the said shipp
Northpole ffor feare that if she had bin met with by any
Holland or ffrench man of warr they finding the said passe onboard
thereby discover her designe for London, and upon that ground should make prize of her and her lading. And saith that afterwards
namely about the beginning of March last
the said John Carstens by letters advised this deponent and partner that
the shipper Melle Moller dyed in Norway of the snall
pox after the lading of the said shipp and that the stiersman of the said
shipp with the rest of the Company had brought the said shipp and
her lading into the Texell instead of cmming for London And that thereupon
hee had presently sent unto the Swedish Envoy thn resideing at the
Hague for his advice what to doe in the case Melle Melles the master of the said ship Northpole being dead and the shipp
bein brought thether instead of going for London as was
designed, And that the said Envoy had advised him the said John Vastens to put
another Swedish Shipper in the place of Melle Molles deceased
And that thereupon hee the said John had constituted Peter Carelson
(a burger and dweller at Ba[?bus] in Sweden) master of the said
shipp Northpole, to whom he had given order that if being at sea hee
could find any opportunity to put into any harbour of England hee should soe
doe and give this deponent notice therein, but hee the said Castens apprehending great
danger that if the shipp making any English port should bee discovered
by either ffrench or Dutch did order the master that if hee could not
doe it without manifest danger then to goe to Rochell in ffrance
with the said lading, ffor that hee had seene severall shipps condemned
which had northerne ladings because they were discovered to bee
bound for England. And saith that hee hath coresponded with
the said John Carsten about a yeare, and all that time and at
present this deponent takes him to bee a Swede borne and resident at Amsterdam as a merchant stranger, and verily beleeveth him to
bee soe and noe otherwise. Et alr nescit.

Repetit coram duo Mylls
surrogato unto Edwardo Browne Notary publique.