HCA 13/76 f.23r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/76 |
Folio | 23 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2015/12/10 |
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thereabouts which hee knoweth hee being made privy thereto, And being
sent by the said Samuell Beake to view the said shipp her tackle and
furniture. and to give him account what this deponent thought the same
were worth. And saith the said producent agreed and undertooke to pay for
the said Shipp at her arrivall at Royen (sic) below in that River the foresaid summe
of 4000 livers or thereabouts in this deponents presence. And hee verily beleeveth that the said summe
is since paid but he for his part saw not any mony paid. And for the reasons
aforesaid beleeveth him to bee sole owner of the said shipp her tackle apparell
and furniture. And saith that after such buying the said shipp hee the said
Beake Changed her name and called And named her the Swedish Lyon and
put and constituted the arlate Henry Roode Master of her and the said producent
Expended and laid out severall summes of mony in triming and fitting put
the said shipp for a voyage to bee made from the port of Bourdeaux to Dublin in
Ireland, for which voyage and for his owne account and risgoe to the best of this
deponents knowledge hee laded and caused to bee laden on board the said shipp
about seaventy tonns of White and redd wines, and severall peeces of Pruines
to bee carried to, and which were carried to and delivered at Dublin in
Ireland to the arlate Josuah Allen
his factor there and to bee and were disposed of by him for the said Beakes account And
the arlate Henry Roode the master hee is well assured received noe mony for
ffreight of the said goods from the said Allen or from any other, the same belonging wholy to
the said producent. Which hee knoweth being one of the Company
and going the said voyage and being made privy to the
whole transaction of the said lading and voyage by the said Mr Beake and Master
of the said shipp. Et alr nescit saving that in the voyage aforesaid they touched at
Plymouth and there tooke in a Pilott bamed Nicholas Lampin an Englishman
living then at Plymouth to goe in her to Dublin in Ireland, this deponent being a
stranger in these seas, and the said shipp went from Plymouth some part of the seas under
the Convoy of the Dartmouth and the Little Guifts his Majesties frigots untill
stresse of weather parted them.
Ad 5. 6. & 7 deponit that the said shipp returned in Ballast with some small things
to Rochell and Oleroone about June last past, by the orders of the said Samuel Beake, And
hee saith the arlate Baily the producents factor did at Oleroone lade
and caused to bee laden on board the said shipp by order and advice of the
said producent, and for his account about three hundred of Oleroone salt to bee
carried in the said ship to Corke in the Kingdome of Ireland and there
to bee delivered to the arlate Gold for the said producents account and to bee
by him vended and disposed of for the same account which hee knoweth ffor that
this deponent and the Master at Dublin as also at Rochell after their returne
from Dublin had letters from the said Beake ordering them to goe to ?Moroone
and advising them that the arlate Baily would lade them with salt for
his account to bee carried to Corke in Ireland. Which letters hee has since lost, as
hee beleeveth. But knoweth not of any bills of Exchange drawne upon the
said producent or of any monies wither paid or remitted for the said lading but beleeveth
the same to bee paid for that the said Beake being as hee supposeth a rich mann and a great trader
useth to pay very Current. Et alr nescit.
Ad 8 deponit that the letter arlate being the first schedule is wholy written and subscribed
by and with the proper hand of the said Samuell Beake which hee knoweth having
severall times seene him write, and received severalll letters from him and thereby
being well acquainted with his manner and Character of handwriting. Et alr
referendo se ad [?dXXX] [?misivam], ffacturam et [?attestsarenen] arlate et contenta in eisdem
nescit depondre Saving .Sam Beake. at the foote of the said attestation is the firme of the said producent