HCA 13/76 f.217r Annotate

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HCA 13/76 f.217r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


7. Octobris 1667




Johannes Cardon civitatis XXXXX generalis, als XXXXX


Ad 47 et 47 arles deponit that as hee hath credibly bin informed by this XXX came
from the said Peter Cardon and otherwise, hee inn or about June last comming with
the sd shipp and lading from Nantes for fflanders and in the ?Narrow Seas XXX with
XXXX PeXXX de Bills, who ?pretend a Portugall com:xx against the subiects of
Spaine, XXX the sad shipp the Castle of XXXX and goods, the XXXX being then
in a ffrench vessell, and with his XXXXX disposessing the said?Peter CXXXX and carrying of their said shipp the Castle of ?Gannt and ?her lading
after their bringing to or near XX Martins aclate, where as hee hath understood
English XXXXX XXXXX aboard for Ireland, and thXX in her XXXX for that place their was
?retaken by the English ffrigat called the Victory and brought her to Plimouth XXXX
XXXX examinaXXXX lately XXXXX; and when XXX the XXX XXX, hee reviewed and tooke
particular notice of her and untill and XXXX know and knoweth her to be the said shipp the
Castle of Gaunt, by the picture of a Castle painted on her sterne, and therto?under
these words, HET CASTEEL VAN GENOT, there still appearing, And upon her head a lyon
carved in wood, painted white with green ?locks or ?shagg and a blew marke, and XX many
other signes and tokens, which hee found to be the same ?charged before her departure out
of fflanders, and which hee hath never particularly XX XXX and XXXXX in ?his ?relacon
taken at Plimouth in August last whereunto hee referreth to. Et alre XXXX XXXXXXX,
XXXX her addeth to his XXXsaid tokens by w:ch hee knoweth to be the ?same shipp, XXXX XXXX