HCA 13/76 f.212v Annotate

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HCA 13/76 f.212v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


25° Septembris 1667

Super allon quadam aclata da parte dicti Johis Payne dat XXX

John Jacob de Wapping ubi habitanvit per bXXXXX XXX
XXX Mercator annos agens 23 aut XXX XXX
Ipswich in Nora Anglia testis producti et Juratus
et deponit prout seqr vizt

Ad primum aclum deponit et dicit that hee hath well knowne the
aclate John Paine for seaven yeares last and upwards for
and during all which time he hath bin his apprentice, and
being out of his time is now imployed by him. And thereby
knoweth that the sd John Payne (sic) was the time arlate and is an owner of seaven sixteene
parts of the shipp aclate John and Sarah, and of her tackle
apparell and furniture, and for and as such commonly accounted
and alsoe knoweth the parties arlate XXX XXX bin and to bee owners of the XXXXX
parts arlate namely Zacharias Long the Master of one eighth part and
the tackle apparrell and furniture thereunto belonging, and ?was
all the time aclate John Wood?ansey was owner of another eigth part
?John Carter and XXX Norton of there sixteene parts, Samuel XXXXX
of one sixteenth, and Edward XXXX of another sixteenth, and for XX XXX
respective owners of the said shipp her tackle apparrell and furniture they XXX
commonly accounted and reputed. XXX XXXX

Ad XX arlum deponit that in January 1663 aclate the ?same shipp John and Sarah
set saile from Boston in New England with goods aboard bound for ?London
and arrived there in or about ffebruary next following the aclate XXXXX
then master of her as is arlate, and hee saith that XXXX in the XXXXX
Jacob menconned in this arle and was by the said John Payne XXX XXX