HCA 13/76 f.191r Annotate

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HCA 13/76 f.191r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window







Johes Collins de Redriffe in Comitatu Surria mercator
annos agens 31 aut circiter dicit et deponit prout sequitur videlicet.

Ad [?dram] Allegatione et ad Schedulam in ead mentionat [?nunc] ei [?ostensam] deponit
et dicit that at the Barbadoes in December last this deponent went as a
Passenger thether in the arlate ship Successe imbarqued himselfe
in her to retourne againe to London and came home in her the said the voyage
and brought with him in her the Sugar and Cottens mentioned
in the schedule to be laden by him the was to pay the
freight therein set downe for the same and [?XXX] Cotten hee saith was
worth soe much as is therein set downe to wit [?9 d] per pound and the sugar worth about 36 li
per hundred and soe this deponent sold all or most of the said Cotten and Sugar the same being
the Common price thereof here, and saith that for his part hee knoweth not what other laders
the said voyage, nor what was to be paid for the freight thereof or the vallue of
the same soe laden, but beleeveth that the other Sugars and Cottens brought in the
said ship the said voyage were worth as much as those laden by this deponent and that
the same price was to by payd for freight and saith that the said ship coming
from the Barbadoes to London the said Voyage under the conduct of his precontest
George Prince her Master (who also went out Master of her) shee met with very
stormy weather and more especially about the middle of January and
to his remembrance about the 15th day of that month in a latitude of about 42 degrees as hee [?XXX] shee met with
a very great storme which continued for many howers by meanes of
the violence whereof the said Prince and Company (conceiving it best soe
to doe) cut downe the maine mast of the said ship and all the tackle
belonging to it and cleared it off into the sea and soe through Gods mercy
preserved the rest of the said ship, and all her Lading and all their lives which
were in very great hazard of perishing in the sea for about a quarter of
an hower next before the said mast was cutt away and this deponent for his part
although hee hath many yeere used the sea was never in greater danger of
perishing and saith that after the mast was cutt away (although the storme
still continued) the said Prince and Company and this deponent made a [?fluft] to manage
her shipp pretty well which before for the quarter of an hower was in
[?XXXX] not possibly doe and saith that the Cutting away of the [?said] mast was in
[?XXXX] very well done and was the only meanes under God to preserve the rest of the [?ship]
and the Lading and mens lives as hee did and doth conceive, but the damage
that the