HCA 13/76 f.14r Annotate

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HCA 13/76 f.14r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


Ad 2 rendet that hee cometh expressely from Antwerp to declare the
truth in this businesse at the instance and chardges of the said producent
at whose [?XXXX] hee relieth for his voyage and time, not having
made any contract with him, Et alr negative.

Ad 3. negativa.

Ad 4 rendet that hee hath seene and perused all the bookes interrogated,
and being the producents booke keeper and principall writer of his letters
is frequently conversant therein, and privie to his entries and
transactions, having bin his booke keeper for two whole yeares.

Ad 5 rendet that he beleeveth the said producent receiveth not any
letters but what hee putteth amongest the rest in the drawers or in the
file and which is obvious to the view of this deponent and unlost,
Et alr negative.

Ad 6 negative referendo se ad predepoita.

Ad 7 rendet that the said producent is owner of the said shipp Saint
Barbara of about 220 lasts, the Three Kings of 120 lasts, another
(the name whereof hee remembreth not without booke) of about 30
or 40 lasts) Peter Moret Master. The Postellon of Antwerp of about
30 lasts, and hee is part owner of the Armies of Antwerp of
the like burthen. Et alr nescit.

Ad 8 nescit.

Ad 9 rendet that Madam the widow de la Ronde and Godefrey
de la Ronde are the producents factors at Rochell, and hee hath
corresponded them in that qualitie for the said two yeares wherein
thid deponent hath bin Booke Keeper, and as hee beleeveth
before, Et alr nescit [?et ?pro] parte sua negative.

Ad 10 rendet that the said producent spake severall times of writing
to the said Madame and Godfrey de la Ronde touching lading the said shipp
Saint Barbara with salt for Bristoll. Et alr nescit

Miguel de Craxyer [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


5:° Octobris 1666

Super allegationne et schedulas praed.


Jeremias Peltz famulus magri Speckhouwer producentis,
cui [?inservijt] per [?septimastra] ult etatitis 20 annorum aut
circiter testis.

Ad primum arlum et sched in eadem [?mentionate] deponit that hee hath
well knowne the producent Mr Speckhouwer for six yeeres last
to have bin and to be a merchant of good qualitie and trade, and
having for seaven monthes last served him as his counting
house clerke, well knoweth that hee tradeth for England, Germany
Spaine, ffrance, Italy and other parts. And saith that hee time
arlate namely in May last the said producent wrote to his factors
Bonart and da Pann arlate at Amsterdam to seeke out and