HCA 13/76 f.142r Annotate

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HCA 13/76 f.142r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


31. January 1666 juxta et cetera/





Johes Boreman de East
Greenwich in Com Canty Generosus
annos agens 31 aut circiter dicit et
deponit prout sequitur videlicet/

Ad primum arlum deponit that for divers monthes last past hee
hath bin and still it often was and hostility betweene his majesty of
England and the United Provinces, the ffrench
King and King of Denmark, and this was and is true and commonly
knowne to be so, et alr nescit/.

The 2:um arlum deponit That
beginning of the war betweene his Majesty of
England and the United States and ffrench King and King of Denmark
respectively, his sayd Majesty of England did grant Letters patents
under the great seale of Scotland giving power thereby to his right
trusty and wellbeloved Cousin Charles Duke of Lenox and Lord High Admirall
of Scotlandto issue forth and [?XXX] Commissions or letters of Marque
against the Enemeyes of his Majesty of England and their subjects
which hee knoweth for that hee this deponent being Secretary to his
Grace the sayd Duke of Lenox et cetera was sent by him into Scotland to get and did get
the sayd Letters Patents to passe under the sayd Greate Seale of
Scotland et alr nescit./

d 3um arlum deponit That after the passing of the said letters Patents
[?vXXXX] the sayd Greate Seale of Scothland, [?XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX] his said yeare the said Duke of
Lenox [?he] did give and grant unto the arlate Captaine John
Holmes a Commission or Letter of Marque under the Admiralty Seale of
Scotland thereby authorizing him to be Captaine of the said ship
The Dover Castle and therewith to procied to sea