HCA 13/76 f.138v Annotate

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HCA 13/76 f.138v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


that hee well knoweth the first schedule to be the hand writing of the
said Joachim duncker, having seene his writings and received letters of
the same hand from him and his said brother Martin, and saith the ship
and persons therein were and are the same in this sute, and hee
beleeveth all the schedules to be written and sent as is arlate, Et
alr nescit salvis predepits.

Ad 11 et 12 deponit that hee hath knowne the said Martin and Joachim
duncker from his youth to have bin and to be inhabitants of Stralesund in
the dominions of the said King of Sweden whose subiects they were and
are and that they are Burgers there, the said Martin dwelling in
the Long straet or street and Joachim the Helliger straet there,
and were and are commonly accompted natives of that place, where
this deponent knew their father in his lifetime, alsoe named
Martin duncker. And that this deponent was borne at
[?Grippswch] in Pomerania in the said dominion, and hath dwelt a
yeare at [?Baert] aforesaid neare Stralsund, and hath used to saile
from and to Stralsund above twenty yeares, and was and is also a
subiect of the King of Sweden.


Dt. Rex.

Ad primum rendet that the owners of the said ship and their parts are
as aforesaid et refert se predepoita;

Ad 2 rendet that in January was twelve moneth this deponent with a
shipp from Stralsund being at Serdam, saw a shipp on the stocks in
building which hee [?liked], and having order from his said two partners
to looke after one, he beate the price thereof with the shipwright, and
retourning to Stralsund and acquainting the said two dunckers therewith
they agreed to buy her, and soe this deponent retourned to holland and
bought her of the said shipwright (who built and had the disposall
of her) in July last or thereabouts, and paid for her hull 4500 gilders
or thereabouts to the said shipwright named Peter Jannson of
Serdam, with whom hee had contracted for the finishing her hull and calking
and being finished hee gave this deponent a little note of her
transferance, not passing any formall notariall bill, which is not
usually don unlesse the shipp be intirely fitted, but for a [?build]
the contract for the scrantling and bulke and fashion serveth in place
of a bill, but what is become of the said note hee saith hee knoweth not
all his papers being seized and taken out of his chest and many of
them torne by the seizors and all taken from him by them, Et alr nescit
saving the names of the said shipwright as transferer
and this deponents name to whom the hull was transfered were
only used in the said note.