HCA 13/76 f.134v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/76 |
Folio | 134 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2015/11/26 |
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23th January 1666 [?XXXX]
ffrisby et Archer con Hunt predict:}
Super allegatione predict ex part Hunt
Johannes Heeld de Wapping in parochia Sancti Maria Matsellon
alias White Chappell in Comitatu Middlesex [?Disteller] natus in
Burgo de Southwarke amnos agens 28 aut eo circiter [?videlicet]
Ad primum nescit salvis subscriptis
Ad 2 3 et 4 nescit.
Ad 5. 5 et 7. arles deponit that the Shipp the Rosebush' arlate captaine Hunt
Master came to Legorne about the month of July 1666 arlate
where this deponent then was, And saith that the arlate ffrisby
and Archer came ashore at Lehgorne (where he soe saw them on shore
and there they continued as this deponent understood by severall
of the Shipps Company drinkeing and Joieing at an Irish mans (a drinking
house) in Legorne. and of this deponents knowledge hee saith
the said ffriesby and Archer staid on shore about two or three
days and nights together and in that time came not at all on board
their said shipp which he knoweth being then and all that time aboard And saith that the Cockswaine of the said shipp and
others of the Company informed this deponent that the said Archer
and ffriesby and some others of the Company of the said shipp were
released from their imprisonment or confinement arlate and that the ships
boat was ashore every day to bring the said ffriesby and Archer and
the rest as hee conceiveth aboard the said shipp and three
of the said men that were in Company with the said fffreisby
and Archer ashore at Lewgorne came againe on board the said
shipp and came and served in the said shipp wherein this deponent was a
passenger from Legorne to the Isle of wight where he left two
of the foresaid three persons, the other leaving the shipp at [?Limerick]
in Ireland. And saith that whilst the said shipp soe lay at Legorne
there happened very bad weather. Et alr nescit.
A decit predepoita sua essa vera./.
Ad primum rendit that hee is a distiller of strong waters and liveth
thereby and keepeth a house and shopp knowne by the signe of the
Anchor and Cable neere Wapping dock. Hee knoweth not what hee [?is ?worth]
alr [?XXXX]
Ad 2 nescit.
Ad 3 refert se ad predepoita alr nescit.
Ad 4 refert se ad predepoita alr nescit
Ad 5 nescit nescit quod redat.
Repetit coram duo Egidio Sweit
Surrogato unto Edward Browne Notary publique.