HCA 13/76 f.132r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/76 |
Folio | 132 |
Side | Recto |
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IMAGE: IMG_121_11_6145.JPG | |
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Colin Greenstreet |
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The Godliffe and upon such his comming aboard hee declared that hee was to have
the said shipp up in to Chichester river by the said ?Bearnes order And the pilot endeavouring
to effect it ran the said shipp aground where she stuck soe fast that she lay aground
about fourteene or ffifteene days together. Although the said Bearne and Company
heard over board severall and very many tonns of wine to lighten the said
shipp endeavouring thereby to get her off, And saith that whilst she soe
lay aground severall people came and carried wine in caskes which they brought
with them away and dranke and embezled a very considerable quantity namely about 30 tonns as he concebeing parte of the shipps XXXX, to the
great dammages of the said owners. And saith that the said shipp lyeth about two houres
every tide affloate and her under deck is risen up a great deale and the Main mast
hee saith riseth every tide about a ffoote and halfe and she is in soe leaky and
bad a condition that hee questioneth whether she will ever get to sea againe. All
which is occasioned by the foresaid seizure. Et alr nescit
Ad 10:d deponit that y:e foresaid Michael Sansier was suddenly confined as a prisoner
And was kept in custody by the means of y:e said Borne and his Complices under
The pretence of being a Holland:r. Et alr nescit
Ad 11. 12. 13. Et 14. Nescit et preparto sua neve
Ad 15 nescit that the said Borne and Company kept the Master of the Godliffe and her Company
In Custody two monethes together or thereabouts after the said seizure and would
Not allow them XXX Inck or paper to write to any ffreind Nor suffer any man
To goe ashore but with a keeper. Et alr nescuit
Ad alr discit predeposta sua de vero
Signum dei F H Philippi (His mark)
Idem super allone dat. 11:o Decembris 1666
Ad primum nescit salvis subscriptis
Ad 2 deponit that that voyage in question is first voyage that hee hath made in the said
Shipp Godliffe which was from Ostend to Nants and had she not bin
Seized she had returned thether Againe Et alr nescuit
Ad 3 et 4 arles deponit that the arlate John Johnson was none of the shipps company
The voyage in question. And came on board Captaine Berbeaty the Cowes and at Chichester the said Johnson came often onboard the Godliffe and hath staid there severall
Days together by the meanes and at the request of the said Bearne and in his service as hee
Conceiveth. A alre nescuit
Ad 5 arlum deponit that some time after the said shipp came into Chichester one Captaine
Bradshaw said to bee an officer of his majestys Customshouse came on board the said
Shipp and sealed up the hathces of the said shipp in order to and for preservation
Of the goods from ffarther plunder, And the said Bradshaw sealing up also a lile
Doore wherein the potts of sweet ?muskes were put the said Johnson said that hee would
Broke open those seales XXX they are not worth a fart (sic) I will put downe my breeches
And shitt upon them or hee spake in words to that effect. And saith that a ffattman
One of the privateers owners as hee supposeth brooke up the said doore and the said Johnson
Or some of the XXX Company tooke away the said ?sweetmeets and onshore namely at the house of one Egbert an
Alehouse keeper in sicklesham this deponent. Saw the said Johnson break open the caskes of sweetXXts
Whereon the foresaid Bradshaw had put his said seale. A Alr nescit
Ad 6 deponit that the arlate Joseph ?Verflett is one of the shipps Company and is a married
Man, and supposeth him to dwell either in Bridges or Osetnd. Et alr nescit.