HCA 13/73 f.743r Annotate

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HCA 13/73 f.743r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window




The 21th day of October 1659:

Saint Anne of London}
Mathias Poulson master}


Mathias Poulson of Tunisbrey in
Norway aged 24 yeeres or thereabouts
sworne before the right worshipfull John
Godolphin Doctor of Lawes one of the Judges
of the high Court of the Admiralty of
England saith and deposeth by Vertue of his
Oath as followeth.

That hee this deponent well knoweth the ship the Saint Anne of London of the burthen of 110 Tunns or thereabouts
whereof this deponen is master, And saith hee this deponent did at Tunnisborowe on or
about the twentieth of August last past, buy authority of
Andreas Matson and Grees Matson, the former owners of the said
ship) Really and truely sell the said ship Saint Anne togetherw
with her tackle apparel furniture and things whatsoever belonging
to her, to one ffrancis Hooper, English merchant there residinge
for the bnumber of ffifteene hundred Rix Dollors which said
ffrancis Hooper, soe brought the said ship and Appurtenances
to and for the use, proper account, and adventure of William