HCA 13/73 f.693v Annotate

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HCA 13/73 f.693v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


That at the time of the said seizure of the said ship
the Grayhound by the said Ostend men of warr
as aforesaid, there was on board her Seaven
hundred ffifty and Eight barrells of Figgs for the
Sole and Propper account of Mr Edward Lewes merchant of
this Citty of London, marked with the marke in the margent which said ffiggs were laden at


Pharo by one Mr Henry Johnson ffactor of and for the said
Mr Edward Lewes which said ffiggs were there Provided
by the said Johnson by and with the Proceeds sent over by the
said Mr Lewes to him the said Johnson, And saith the
whole lading of the said ship, did Consist in one thousand
one hundred and ffifty barrells of ffiggs, or thereabouts
about thirty Thousand of Oranges, about tenn
Thousand of Lemans, about two Thousand five hundred
of [?Canes], about Eight hundred dozen of Broomes,
and thirty small barrells of Canitoes, and some other small
Goods, all which were Consigned to the said Mr Lewes,
and saith that the said Mr Lewes and all the
other owners of the Lading of the said ship were and
are Englishmen, and subjects of this Commonwealth
And saith that all the foresaid Lading of the said ship
was worth, and would have yeilded here in England
(had it safely arrived) at least twelve hundred pounds
sterling, And saith the said ship the Grayhound (which
did belong to the foresaid John Hubbard her master and
other English men) was worth, at her said seizure
at least One hundred and fifty pounds sterling
in this deponents Judgement The Premisses hee deposeth for
that hee went out Mate of the said ship Grayhound
from this Port to Pharoa, and came from thence in her
and Continued in her till her seizure:/:

George Palmer [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The same day: [CENTRE HEADING]


John ffisher of London Mariner aged
40 yeeres or thereabouts sworne before
the foresaid Judge saith and deposeth as

That hee well knew the ship Grayhound of
London (John Hubbard Master) and saith that in December
last as the said ship was in her Course for this Port
of London shee was met with by two Ostend men
of warr, and by them taken and seized, and saith
that after shee was taken, by the said men of warr
shee ws send (sic) for Ostend, And this deponent and two others