HCA 13/73 f.626r Annotate

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HCA 13/73 f.626r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window



"Being for all the foresaid moneths and a good space before and since journiman to the said Nicholas Carter, and helping him to make much of the said iron worke, and seeing all or most of the same delivered and setting the same downe in chalke, and on a tally, as the same was delivered"

"This deponent heard the carpenter of the said ship House of ffreindship say that the said Carter was to have a two and thirtieth part of the said ship, but whether he accepted of or had teh same this deponent saith hee knoweth not"

"The said Carter (as hee saith) hath not to this deponents knowledge any bond, bill, or other security as is interrogate for his money"

"Hee did not see the said Eldred write the noate interrogate. And hee saith hee beleeveth the said schedule and noate have bin in the custody of the said Carter and one Mr Catlin or one of them ever since the writing of the said noate" (HCA 13/73 f.626r)

Signum dicti I C Johanis Cheshire [MARK, RH SIDE]


Eodem die

super libello predict Examinatus/.


Richardus Tailor de Rederiffewall in Comitatu
Surria Nailer aetatis 30 annorum aut eo circiter
juratus et Examinatus./