HCA 13/73 f.603r Annotate

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HCA 13/73 f.603r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


which the said Quarts nor any of his Company made
answer. Whereupon the said Kingsman caused a shot to be
made from his ship the Experience (according to the Custome
of the sea in that case) athwart the said Rere Admiralls foot
which shot did not touch her, nor was intended soe to doe, but
only to give the said Quarts (her Captain) notice to fall to the
Leeward of the Experience, but the said Quarts he sayth did
notwithstanding such means used, keep on to the windward
of her still and would not come to the Leeward. And further to this
Article he cannot depose./
To the 13th he says that the Experience both before and also at the
time of her seizure had up and sayled with the English
colours. And that the said Quarts and Company (XX) the Rere
Admirall and also the Captain and Companies of the other
two Dutch ships (which were not very far off) did and might very
very see and perceive the same and might and did know the Expe-
rience to be an English ship as this deponent verily beleeveth and
is perswaded in his conscience and otherwise does not know.

To the 14th article he deposes and says that so soone as ever the said Captain
Quarts the said Rere Admirall came neare the Experience, he
caused a broadside to be fired upon her without
ever hayling her, and soe lay ahead of her continually firing
his Guns at her and spoiling her tackle rigging and furniture
untill the other two Dutch ships (called
the Orange and the Arme of Zealand) came also up, which
said Dutch ships and soone as they came up fired their Guns,
likewase upon the Experience, and poured their small
shit amongst her Company, by which means they killed the
said Captain Kingsman and two more of his Company, and then boarded
the Experience and seized her, and after such boarding and quarter given
one of the Company of the ship Orange (Fowse Le Sage
Captaine) which soe seized the Experience killed one
of the Experience her Company in cold blood of this
deponents certaine knowledge, he seeing the same. And further
sayth that they the sayd Companies of the Dutch ships
plundered the mariners of the Experience of all that belonged unto them
and tooke away all the writings and papers that were on board
the ship and such as they found did concerne her and her lading
and showed that they belonged to the English and they either
tore or threw over board, or cause them to be torne and
throwne overboard. And then carried the said ship
and lading to Pointe Vedra in Gallicia where they kept her
about ten or twelve days and there (as this deponent conceiveth)
contrary to all Law and Justice broke bulke, and tooke out of
her hold about 250 Chests of white sugar, and one thousand
two hundred rolls of Tobaccoe, and dispersed thereof at
their pleasure, and from thence they carried theshp and the rest
of her lading to Flushing in Zealand and afterwards to Middle
Burgh, and utterly despoiled the producents these of which hee
knoweth for the reasons aforesaid for that this deponent was carried
to Gallicia, and thence to Flushing and soe to Middleburgh in the
Orange aforesaid in Company of the Experience./