HCA 13/73 f.577r Annotate

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HCA 13/73 f.577r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


and that comming to the streights mouth shee was met with by a [?XXXX]
shipp of warr called the Santa Maria, Harreman Andreis or Andreison
commander and other shipps in her company on the fifteeth of
May last and set upon by them and with her lading of goods, cotton
yarne silke and other merchandizes seized and carried away wherenby
her freighters namely John Gregory John [?Baum] and John Allen English
men merchants and subiects of the kingdome of England have lost to
the valew of five and twenty thousand pounds sterling in the estimate
of this deponent and as the same lading was and is commonly esteemed
to be worth.



5th Octobris 1660./


Johannes Avery parochia Sancta Maria Magdalene
in Comitati Surria nauta nnos agens 45. aut
eo circiter iuratus et examinatus super Interrogatoria
ministratis ex parte [?XXX] [?XXXX] [?XXX] pred dicit et deponit put sequitur videlicet./


Ad 1um Interrogatoria dicit That he very well knew the Interrate ship
the ffreetrade, whereof the Interrate Simon fflew was Master
and whereof this Deponent was Masters chiefe Mate at such time as
she was surprized and taken as hereafter is declared; and
sayth the said ship had on board her the said time five hundred
bags of galls and two bales of silkes which hee saith were laden and put onboard
her at Scanderoone for the account of the Interrate John
Gregory, John Bence and John Allen all English men and Merchants
of London, to whom (as he sayth) the same did belong and were consigned
and were to have been delivered. And further doth not answer
saving what followeth, and saving that the sayd ship had on board
her severall other goods and merchandizes, the quantities or
qualities or markes thereof, this deponent cannot now particularize,
but knoweth they were all to have been delivered here in
London to English merchants and upon their account./

Ad 2um repomdet et dicit That all the foresayd bags of Galls
were marked with this marke O-B and numbred from NO. 1 to
No. 500. and that the two bales of silkes were numbred No. 5 and
No. 6. And moreover that in the sayd ships passage from Scanderoone
to London she was met with neare the streights mouth by a
certain Dutch built ship called the Saint Mary of Amsterdam
(whereof one Laurence Andreas was Captaine or Commander) which had
the Dutch Colours up when the ffree trade first met her.