HCA 13/73 f.562r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/73 |
Folio | 562 |
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Katherine Parker | |
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2014/08/18 |
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[XXX GUTTER Arthuri Sprye
[XXX GUTTER] nave the Guift.
[of God? GUTTER] of New England,
[XXX GUTTER] XXX Sparrow Richum[?]
[XXX GUTTER] of Hamptonidum
[XXX GUTTER] Soutley Bud. Cheeke.}1ne[?] [LEFT HEADING]
13 Augusti 1660./: [CENTRE HEADING]
Elizabeth Webb uxor Thomas Webb
de Ratcliffe in Comitatu Midd. atalib 34 anniord
aut to circiter jurata et examinata dirit et
deponit put seyt./.
Ad jn 2dn: arlot Allegaconit de et. Arthuri Spry et Soriorum in har
ransa date dicit et deponit That John Thompson was master
and Commander of the arlate ship the Guift of God of New
England in the yeeres 1647 1648 1649 and 1650: and this
deponents being for and during all those yeeres and for some yeeres before and since the wife of the
said John Thompson did in the said yeere 1647 and after the said ship was seized as was her XXX very many
times heare him say and affirme that the Master John Holle and the arlate Arthur Spry
were the Owners of the said
ship the Guift of God. and that hee the said Master Holle
did buy the said ship in ffrance in the said yeere 1647: and
in that yeere hee Put him the said John Thompson Master of her. And saith
that the said Holle and Sprye (whom this deponent hath Knowne
for severall Yeeres last) were and are English men and subjects
of this Nation and for sure Commonly accounted. And saith
that the said ship Guift of God was in the said yeere 1650
or thereabouts taken and seized by Sir George Ayscough at
or neere the Barbadoes as this deponent was readibly informed
by her said Husband John Thompson, and severall of the
said Ships Company: et atr nescit.
Ad 3d nescit deponere./.
Ad ultimi dicit preposita and cam ose vera:/:
Elizabeth Webbe [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]
Ad Interrogatoria:/: [CENTRE HEADING]
Ad ju dicit that shee was never onboard the
said Ship Guift./.
Ad 2d Resort se ad praedeposita et alr nescit
Ad 3d respondet that shee hath often heard her said husband
(after the said ship was taken) say that hee came first onboard
the said ship in ffrance, and thence went with her to New England thence to
Bilboa and thence to some place in ffrance, And there he
begun the voyage wherein the said Ship was taken and went thence
to Naples and thence to New England thence to
the Barbadoes. thence to Guiney and goeing from thence to
Barbadoes againe she was seized going into the Harbor of Barbadoes
as this deponent said Husband told her et atr nescit./:
Elizabeth Webb [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]