HCA 13/73 f.492r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/73 |
Folio | 492 |
Side | Recto |
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uploaded image; transcribed on 09/02/2015 | |
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IMAGE: IMG_0196_copy.JPG | |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2015/02/09 |
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the Alexander and the said ketch, and sent the Starrs
Company which were in the Alexander onboard the Starre, and
soe sailed away from the Starr, Th ePremisses hee
Deposeth being an Eye and eare witnesse of the same,
And further cannot depose./.
To the 4th hee saith that presently after the Alexander and her
Ketch had soe left the Golden Starr, the said other ship which
they espyed came up to the Starr. and proved to be a man
of warr of Zealand, and her Company hee saith tooke out
another Pipe of winem and a Pipe of water
and carried the same onboard the Zealand man
of warr, and sailed away with the same, and saith that
about two or three dayes after there happened a great storme
which Continued about five or six Dayes, and by reason
of the Teares, and ranges of the Pipes of wine were
broken by the Captaine and Company of the
Alexander, and her Ketch and the Company of the said
Zealand man of warr, many Pipes of wine in the
said shipp rowled and tumbled to and fro, and by that meanes
much of the wine leaked out of the Pipes, and saith that one
Pipe was thereby leaked quite out, and another
about halfe out and about the quantity of another
Pipe hee beleeveth leaked out of other Caskes, which losse
was occasioned by the Captaine and Companys of the
Alexander and the Ketch by their breaking the ranges
and teares of the said Pipes. And further cannot depose./.
To the fifth hee saith that the Owners of the said shipp Starr
and her Lading have suffred greate Losse and damage
by reason of the said seizure and [?stay] as aforesaid
And saith that hee beleeveth the foresaid Pipes of wines
were worth the summe of thirty five pounds per pipe, and saith
that the said Cutlace, two Canns, China Pot with the silver
Cover, spoones Platters and frying pan and Table Vloaths
soe taken away as aforesaid were worth the summe of 5 li 10 s
or thereabouts. The Master and Companys Cloathes and Necessaryes which
were then alsoe taken away were worth about 10 li or 11 li And
saith the foresaid seizors did take away, or kill, or were the
cause of the deaths of about foure dozen of Canary birds which
were then in the said ship, which were worth about five shillings
a peece, and saith that the said ships sailes and rigging
by the violent shooting as aforesaid were damnified to
the summe or vallue of twenty pounds at the least as this
deponent beleeveth and saith that hee beleeveth that the said ship
Starr was a fortnight longer before shee gott into falmouth then shee
would have bin, had shee not bin carried out of her way as