HCA 13/73 f.489r Annotate

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HCA 13/73 f.489r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


and all others trading to East India that all ships which are
there trading and are to come for England that Yeere
are there to be dispatched, and ordered to come from thence
on or before the end of January otherwise they cannot
in probability get their passage safe home that yeere
by reason of the Constant Contrary winds which
happen after that time betweene the East Indias and
the Cape Good hope: And saith that the said Carter
did not dispatch or give order for the said ships coming
away from suratt untill the sixteenth of ffebruary 1658. And
saith that by reason thereof the said ship together
with her Maste sailes Rigging, tackle apparrell and
furniture were very much damnifyed, namely to the
summe or vallue of betwixt 800 pounds and one thousand
pounds sterling more then shee would have bin had [xxx] ship come away at the usuall time by the extraordinary stormes tempests, and
foule weather, which shee met with in her passage home
which hee knoweth coming home in her, And further cannot

To the 12th hee saith that the said ship safely arrived
from the said Voyage in the River of Thames and
was here delivered up to the arlate Alderman
King and Company on or about the Latter end of October
last, but the particular day hee remembreth not and saith
that the said ship was the said Voyage in the service
of the said Carter and the rest of the ffreighters from
the fifteenth or thereabouts of ffebruary 1656 untill
the last of October 1659 or thereabouts. This Deponent serving
in her all that time ./.
Vpon the rest not Examined by mr. smiths direction./.


Repeated before doctor Walker.


The 9th of Aprill 1660/: [CENTRE HEADING]

A busines of Examination of witnesses touching the seizure of the ship the}
Golden Starr whereof Thomas Sprettiman was master and taking}
[?in GUTTER] some of the wines and other Goods by Captaine Henry}
Warcup Comander of the Alexander, promoted by seager}
Corsellis Nicholas Corsellis the younger Christopher Boone}
and James Abrashatt owners of the said ship Golden Starr}
against the said Henry Warcup, and against Parker}
[?Greene GUTTER] Roy, and Bence owners and setters forth of the Alexander}
all others and c. Suckley}

Rp. jus [LH MARGIN]

John Frost of
New England mariner but belong=
=ing at present to the ship the
Exchange of London John Peirce master
aged 22 yeeres or thereabouts sworne and

vid. 4us in A2:/ [LH MARGIN]