HCA 13/73 f.434v Annotate

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HCA 13/73 f.434v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


bound to Stockholme whether the Redd Rose was alsoe bound and had
in their company thither in case shee had not bin soe seized and in [?all XX GUTTER]
had arrived safe there, as they did this deponent afterwards seeing them
in safety, And further hee cannot depose./

To the 13th article hee saith hee well knoweth being one of her company and
helping to pumpe her that the Redd Rose after the sayd Lemmon and company
had gotten possession of her againe sett sayle with her for Stockholme
that in her passage thither shee was by the meanes aforesayd soe leakie
her company were forced to pumpe her continually night and daye and [?xxx GUTTER]
all the industry they could use had much a doe to preserve her from sinking

To the 14th and 15th hee saith that hee being gunner aboard her as aforesayd [kXXX GUTTER]
that after the sayd shipp was soe released shee was in her passage to [Stockholme GUTTER]
mett with by a Danish shipp of warr whose commander and Company [?XXX GUTTER]
to what place shee belonged and whether bound and answer was made by [?XXX GUTTER]
master and Company that shee was an English shipp belonging to London
to English merchants or words to that effect And then the danish man of warr
commanded the master of the Redd Rose to come aboard and bring his papers
whereto he answered and sayd he had noe papers for that the hollanders had
at sea taken away his papers whereupon the Commander of the sayd
man of warr answered and sayd: if you have noe papers then you are
free prize to mee and soe commanded the sayd Lemmon and all his company
(save sixe men and a boy (whereof this deponent was one) aboard the sayd
man of warr and sent severall of the man of warrs company aboard
Redd Rose and soe kept her as their prize which as the sayd man of
warrs Company who came aboard and declared and sayd they had [?nxxxx GUTTER]
done if the Redd Rose had had any any papers aboard her expressing to
what place she belonged And hee further saith that hee being [?aboard GUTTER]
the sayd shipp knoweth that the Company of the sayd danish man of
warr while they had her under their power did take away some of
her ladeing of salt and carried some of it ashoare and [?drew GUTTER]
up a great deale of the wine aboard and carried other part thereof [?away GUTTER]
in bottles and Rimletts and soo much that the dammage remayne sayd shipp and [XXXXX] soe many that the dammage [?XXXX GUTTER]
by them in wasteing and spoile of the sayd wines and salt and shipps provisions and [?XXXX GUTTER]
thereof they carried away did in this deponents judgement amount
to three hundred pounds sterling or thereabouts And further
hee cannot depose.

To the 16th and 17th hee saith that after the sayd Danish man of
warrs company had soe taken away a good quantitiy of the
sayd wyne and salt and wasted other of the wynes by [?driXXX]
and done the sayd shipp Redd Rose other dammage in her provisions
tackle and furniture the sayd shipp and ladeing in that dammaged
condition was released and rescued by reason two swedish men of
warr approaching the danish man of warrs Company on [?board GUTTER]
the Redd Rose quitt her and went to shoare in her Yawle and carried
with them what provisions they pleased and left the sayd sixe men
of which this deponent was one
and a boy of the Redd Rose her company on board her to shift for them
selves who by the permission of the sayd Swedish men of warr
carried the sayd shipp Redd Rose to Stockholme And the Sayd
Lemmon and those of his Company who were prisoners [?with GUTTER]
aboard the sayd Danish man of warr having gained their
came from Borntholme in a smale yawle [?XXX GUTTER]
great danger of their lives by perils of the sea and Rocks to the
holme to seeke their sayd shipp and there found her this deponent and
others aboard the sayd shipp seeing them soe arrive there And
further to these articles cannot depose/