HCA 13/73 f.432v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/73 |
Folio | 432 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2015/05/16 |
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whereupon the Commander of the sayd man of warr replyed and sayd
then you are a fine prize to mee for it may [?well] be had [?XXX] are runne away from those that put you in [?trust] and soe commanded the master of the
Redd Rose and all his company (save sixe men and a boy) aboard the man of warr
and sent foureteene of the man of warrs company aboard the Redd Rose and
soe seized her as prize, which as the sayd man of warrs company
declared to this deponent and the rest who were commanded aboard the
man of warr hee had not done if the Redd Rose had any papers
aboard declareing to what place shee belonged And hee further saith
that this deponent and others of the shipps company being sometymes
premitted to come aboard the sayd shipp Redd Rose by order of the Captaine
of the man of warr while shee was in the power of the sayd danish
man of warr did observe that the danish man of warrs company
did waste and steale away divers of the shipp Redd Rose her provisions
and materialls and dranke and wasted much wine which was laded
aboard her in soe much that a man might stand up to the midd [?XXX]
in salt and wine they having lett much of the wine runne out amongest
the salt and that they dayly carried away beside what they dranke much
wine in bottles and runletts and alsoe tooke away much salt and
carried it on shoare at Brant holme Island whether they carried the
said shipp in soe much that the dammage thereof in what they wasted
and spoiled and what they soe carried away did in this deponents judgement
amount to three hundred pounds sterling and better And further
to these articles hee cannot depose/
To the 16th and 17th articles hee saith that after the said danish man of warr
had soe pillaged the Redd Rose of her provisions an alsoe of some of
her tackle and wasted and taken away a great quantitie of wynes
and salt which was aboard her two Swedish men of warr approaching
neere the place where the Redd Rose was the danish Mariners and
souldiers went away in the Redd Rose her yawle ashoare and
carried with them such of her provisions as they thought fitt
therein and left the sayd shipp to the mercie of the Swedish men of
warr who rescued the sayd shipp Redd Rose and those six emen
and a boy of her company which were left aboard, and the
sayd sixe men and boy by permission of the Swede carried her
and her ladeing that was left to Stockholme the port whether shee
was bound And the danish man of warr having notice by
his company that came from aboard her that the Redd Rose was
retaken from them by the Swedes did permitt the sayd Lemman
and this deponent and others of the Redd Rose her Company [?whome]
they kept prisoners aboard their man of warr to be at liberty
and gave them a passe to goe to Stockholme or any other port where
they thought they could finde their sayd shipp Redd Rose and caused
them to buy of them the Yawle belonging to the Redd Rose and her [?XXXX]
therein to make their passage, In which Yawle the sayd Lemman and
this deponent and others of the sayd Redd Rose her company who [?were]
soe sett at liberty did with great hazard and danger of their lives and
with much difficulty and hardshipp goe from Borntholme to
Stockholme by sea in the sayd Yawle, which is about sixe hundred
English myles there to looke after their sayd shipp where after
many perills and dangers of the sea they safely arrived and
found their sayd shipp this hee deposeth of sight and certayne knowledge
And further to these articles hee cannot depose./
To the 18th hee saith hee cannot depose/
To the 19th hee saith that the reason (as the danish man of warrs Captaine [?and]