HCA 13/73 f.421v Annotate

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HCA 13/73 f.421v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


Rose weighed, and saith that the John and Mary Rose
weighed about one and the same time, and John hee saith
was ahead of the Mary Rose, and after the said two
ships had for a small space sailed directly forward
the John sheered to the Southward and the Mary
Rose steered on her course Course directly forward and the
John sheered from the Southward againe, to the
Nothward, and came aboard the Mary Rose as [?shee GUTTER]
was sailing directly forward as aforesaid and
the foreshrowd of the John came foule of
the bolspritt of the Mary Rose and one of the
Lanyards was Catched by the Anchor of the Mary
Rose, the Premisses hee Deposeth seeing the [?same GUTTER]
being a foremast man of and aboard the Mary
Rose, And further cannot depose./:

To the 3rd hee saith that the Boate of the Mary Rose
was not Towing of her when the John came foule
of her as aforesaid, neither did her boate Towe [GUTTER]
of this Deponents Knowledge till shee was Cleered [?of GUTTER]
the John, neither were the sailes of the Mary Rose
full and the Master and Company of the Mary Rose
seeing the John steering from the Southward as aforesaid
and fearing shee would be foule of the Mary Rose
did what they could to prevent the John coming
foule of them and lowered her foretop saile and
hauled up her fore saile in the [?Bintlins] and Cl[?ewes GUTTER]
and her maintop saile hee saith was not hoysed
neither was her mainesaile set, And saith that
for his part hee did not heare any of the Company
of the John call to the Company of the Mary
Rose to Slacken there sailes (the same being [?XXX GUTTER]
as aforesaid) nor to let goe an Anchor And further
cannot depose./

To the 4th and 5th hee saith that the Mary Rose
did not come or fall foule of the John but the
John of her, as aforesaid, neither did the Mary Rose
take away the winde of the John and sai[XX GUTTER]
soone after the John came foule of the Mary Rose
her Laniard was Cut, and the Mary Rose was
thereby Cleered and sailed on her Course and
left the John Ryding in safety, at Anchor in about [?foure GUTTER]
or five fathoms water, and the Mary Rose never