HCA 13/73 f.414v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/73 |
Folio | 414 |
Side | Verso |
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Katherine Parker | |
First transcribed | |
2014/07/19 |
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And further saith that there were eighteen butts of currant (or thereabouts
the currans which this deponent soe received damnified partly by oile and
partly by wet which they had taken, and that they since being viewed by
indifferent persons, the said viewers estimated the said dammage at [?fifteene GUTTER]
pounds sterling, which the said fflew also allowed this deponents out of
his freight, and so this deponent deducting the said respective summes
of sixtie nine pounds and six pence and fiftie pounds hath paid the said [?XXX GUTTER]
the rest of his freight, and hath a discharge for the same And further
hee cannot as hee saith depose.
To the fifth hee cannot depose.
To the last hee saith his foregoing deposition is true.
To the Interrogatories
To the first hee saith hee is a merchant and hath lived in London [?sixe GUTTER]
yeares and a halfe last, and before that two yeares and a halfe in [?Italy GUTTER]
and saith hee hath knowne the said fflew about foure yeares, but doth
not know and Slade, and otherwise answereth not being as aforesaid.
To the second and third negatively.
To the fourth hee saith hee tooke up the said goods in summer last was
twelvemonth, and made up the account with the said fflew shortly after
at this deponents house in Marke lane, where the said summes were [?allowed GUTTER]
and satisfied unto him, and further answereth not saving as aforesaid.
To the fifth hee saith the said lading of currans which were laded into the said shipp for this deponents
account, was the soe donne at Zant or thereabouts by John Antonio [XXX GUTTER]
this deponents factor and his order, but this deponent was not there present
and saith hee cannot affirme that the said foure quartels of currans were
aboard the said shipp, but hath heard that they were last out of the shipp [XXX GUTTER]
betwixt the shore and the shipp. And further hee cannot answer saving as
To the sixth hee saith hee was not present not did observe the stowage
the eighteene butts of currans interrogated, and otherwise hee cannot
answer saving as aforesaid, saving negatively for his part, hee not [XXX GUTTER]
how the dammage happened as hee saith.
To the seventh hee saith that the viewers and estimaters of the said [?dammage GUTTER]
happened to the said eighteene butts or thereabouts of currans were william
hooker and one Bristow two Grocers of London, who viewed them upon
Chesters key where they were landed, this deponent being present some
part of the time while the said views was making and his servant [XXX GUTTER]
others, and saith there were not any of the shipps mariners
present at the said accounting and allowance for the said want and [?dammage GUTTER]
and further answereth not saving as aforesaid, [?nor XXXX] said [XXXX GUTTER]
this deponent remembreth.
To the eighth hee referreth himselfe to his foregoing deposition, wherein hee
satisfied the same.
To the ninth hee hath not soe deposed.
To the last hee yeeldeth reasons of his knowledge as aforesaid.
To the single Interrogatorie in the second place hee saith that the said shipp
came home not fully Laded as by agreement shee should [?have GUTTER]
bin through want of goods there to put aboard her but was not deduction for dead freight out of the said payment [?of GUTTER]
freight made by this deponent, althought hee urged to have allowance made And
further answereth not.
Repeated before Doctor
Sweit Surrogate