HCA 13/73 f.403v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/73 |
Folio | 403 |
Side | Verso |
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Roger Towner | |
First transcribed | |
2014/06/14 |
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And saith the said Goods and materialls in the
Schedule mentioned were and are well worth
the severall and respective rates and prizes set [?downe GUTTER]
in the said Schedule for the same. And the goods
mentioned in the said Schedule were the fores[?aid GUTTER]
time Comonly and usually sold at the prices men[?tioned GUTTER]
and set downe for the same in the said Schedule
The premisses hee Deposeth and Knoweth for that
hee this Deponent was the foresaid time servant to the
to the said Edward Thompson, and did helpe to deliver
all or the greatest part of the said goods and materialls
mentioned in the said schedule, into a Wherry
and boates. sent to receive the same by the said
Treworghy and sawe the same or the greatest part [?therof GUTTER]
Carryed on board the said ship Howse of ffreindship
shee lying for the most part of the time the goods in [?the GUTTER]
said Schedule were delivering onboard her, [?XXX GUTTER]
unto the said Thompsons Key, And this Deponent did
with his owne hand enter all or most of the said goods
into his said Masters Day booke, as the same were
on board the said ship And further cannot Depose
saving hee verily beleeveth that if the goods and
materialls in the said shedule (or others of [?the GUTTER]
Kind) had not bin delivered and wrought onboard
the said ship, shee could not have gone the [?Voyage GUTTER]
shee was bound upon namely to the [?Barbados GUTTER]
To the 8th hee refereth himselfe to the registry of the
Court and further Cannot depose
To the 9th he saith the said Edward Thompson hath
suffered great Losse and dammage by reason of the
non payment of the money due to him for the
foresaid goods and materialls in the said Schedule
mentioned, but how much hee Cannot Estimate
And further cannot depose :/:
To the last hee saith his foregoing deposition is true./:
To the Interrogatories ./: [CENTRE HEADING]
To the first hee saith hee cometh to Testify the truth
herein by the Comand of his Master, and saith it
be noe benefit nor prejudice to him whether his said Mr
recover the money due to him for the said goods and
materialls or not, and to the rest negatively.
To the 2d he saith the said Treworghy bespoke all
said goods and materialls Schedulate for the use of the said
ship, And saith that noe money hath bin paid for the same
hee beleeveth, And saith hee doth not Knowe if the said Thompson
or any of the plaintiffs in this busines have any bonds bills or
Security from the said Treworghy or any other of the goods in question
further cannot Answer .:
Repeated before doctor Godolphin.
Thomas Davies [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]